Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Favorite Parts of Diligent Joy

I've added a new category to the side bar. It's called ABBY'S FAVORITE POSTS. If you click on it (or just click here) you will be taken to my most loved Diligent Joy posts. I made this because I have gathered a few new readers recently and wanted them to have a chance to read some older stuff (also because one of my posts- the one on having more children- is going to be featured on Blogher tomorrow afternoon and I'm oh! so excited! I want new visitors to be able to find their way around easily...).

Eventually- not today, I assure you- I will have an "about us" page and I'll include my favorite posts on it in a much more organized fashion.

Thanks so much for reading. I love sharing bits of my life with you and I really love reading about bits of yours!

Oh and just so you know, Harper got some new shoes last night and she loves them so much that she slept in them.
The Rack is a seriously dangerous place for me (my birthday is next month and I will be accepting Nordstrom gift cards in any amount). I went in for one pair of shoes and came out with five (one IS a gift, though). I just can't say no to a pair of $52 Stride Rite Sneakers for $12.97. I just can't.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wine & Warby Parker Night Was a Success!

Last night was our Wine&Warby night and I know that ya'll have been dying to see the photos. They aren't that great and I'm sorry. I'm sort of a bum self-photo taker, especially when glasses (glasses=glare) are involved. 

I've got to start by giving some pretty solid props to Warby Parker (disclaimer- they aren't paying me to write this). Warby Parker is a company that does everything right (don't you just love companies that do things right?). They offer high quality glasses at a great price, free shipping (for initial delivery, returns, and at home try ons), and for every pair of glasses they sell, they donate a pair to someone in need. Basically, Warby Parker is awesome. 

So is wine.

When you combine them, you get double awesome, which really, is all a girl could ask for on a Tuesday night.

Here are my favorite four of the 15 we tried. Leave me a comment to tell me which number is your favorite and remember, I'm not trying to look cool. I realize that these glasses might make me look a little (or a lot) nerdy and I'm totally okay with that. 

Besides, if I wanted someone to tell me that I look nerdy in my Warby Parker favorites, I wouldn't have to bother blogging about them. I'd just show these photos to Colt. 

#1- The Miles
(I actually love the name Miles and would totally give it to my son.
 Colt doesn't agree. 
He just doesn't know a good, solid, "future doctor" kind of name when he hears one.)

#2- The Monroe 
(Or as I like to call them, The Harry Potter)

#3- The Colton
(You can't really tell from the photo but these are a bright tangerine color.)

#4- The Sinclair
(These basically say, "I'm soooooo much smarter than you.")

Harper J had fun at the party as well, mainly because there was yummy ice cream and good dancing music.

And just in case you didn't believe me about Tucker's amazing ability to catch food midair...

Our Baby is All Grown Up

Today is Tucker's birthday! We (Tucker and I) are celebrating with goldfish crackers. He is keeping me entertained by catching them midair. He is basically a genius. Normally, Tucker doesn't eat people food but I figure that today is his birthday and he deserves a treat. Besides, Colt doesn't read my blog so he will never find out anyway, which is probably a good thing since I'm dipping the crackers in cream cheese- a fact that would probably give Colt an ulcer.

I ordered Tucker a "birthday pizza" for Friday. We are waiting for Colt to come home to officially celebrate Tucker's big birthday. I also bought him several wonderful presents. He's going to love them.

Don't think we aren't going to unofficially celebrate all day today, however, because we are. Tucker is going to have as many treats/walks/belly rubs as he wants.

Bored and Blogging

Colty is gone for the next few days. He is at Flaming Gorge drinking beer and catching really big fish with his dad and a couple of good friends. I miss him and I'm bored without him- obviously, since I'm blogging at midnight.

I thought I'd share a couple of my favorite instagram pics from earlier today (yesterday now, I guess, since it's 12:04).

Remember how I went to my neighbor's yard sale last Saturday? Well for $3, I scored this little table/treasure...
It makes a perfect desk for Harper, especially since it was only $3 and I won't feel too badly when (not if) she colors on it.

I received a most unexpected- and ridiculously delightful- present today.
I'm really excited because now I have the perfect excuse to order that big floral bag for the old lady that lives in my soul. Thanks a million, Katie!

This morning I caught Harper sneaking soda pop. While I was out with Hazel, she climbed onto the counter and swiped Colt's day old Coke (eww it was probably so warm and gross) and gulped as much of it as she could before I came in and took it from her.

She looked guilty as sin when I found her.

I wasn't mad, though. Who could be mad at someone with such awesome hair?

I have a hard time sleeping without Colt around but tonight I'm going to give it my best shot. At least I've got Tucker. He should scare any and all creeps/burglars away.

Goodnight bloggy friends.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Another List

I promise to love you for who you are.
I promise not to push my beliefs on you. 
I promise to read to you every day until you tell me to stop.
I promise to never take my feelings/moods out on you.
I promise to treat you as my equal.
I promise to answer all of your questions. If I don't have an answer, I'll find it.
I promise to help you find and achieve your purpose in this life.
I promise to introduce you to music and to help you find your own song.
I promise to be your biggest fan.
I promise to introduce you to and help you love God.
I promise to let your faith develop in its' own way. 
I promise to stand by you at all times.

If you've been around for a while, you will remember the above list. It's a list of promises that I made to Harper before she was even born. Every time my mom comes to town, I'm reminded of the list and it's importance is reiterated for me. Whether that is a good or bad thing... well, that's my business. 

Anyway, I've recently been working on another list- a list of things that I want for Harper. Here is the list thus far...

I want her to know that I love her- that I was crazy in love with her from the moment she was born.
I want her to know that all I want is the best for her. 
I want her to know how to be happy under any circumstance- to understand that happiness is a state of being, not a mood. 
I want her to be comfortable in her own skin. 
I want her to learn how to never doubt herself. 
I don't want her to feel like she can't talk to me about something just because I'm her parent. 
I want her to know that I'm not perfect and that I'm okay with that.
I want her to know that I will love an accept her no matter what. 
I want her to know that my beliefs don't have to be her own. 
I want her to understand the difference between religion and spirituality. 
I want her to know that I don't know everything and that's okay. 
I want her to know that a fun day is more important than a clean house.
I want her to know that she should think, think, think before she speaks.
I want her to know that it's important to love and accept everyone, no matter who they are. 
I want her to know that if she feels the inclination to judge someone, she should learn more about them first. 
I want her to know that faith and science can exist in harmony- that they work together to make the experience of life amazing. 
I want her to know that she is a miraculous being of light- that science and spirituality came together to make her life possible. I want her to appreciate this and to remember every single day that she is a miracle.
I want her to know that life is an amazing experience only if we make it one.

Hazel Naps

Little Hazelnut loves to nap on her mama's pillow.

Monday, June 27, 2011

This past weekend wore me out and today I find myself wondering why two days of doing next to nothing can be so very tiring. 

I didn't get everything on my "weekend plan" list done. My parents don't own an iPad (yet) and Harper and I didn't make it to any SLC Saturdays spots. We also had to postpone our Wine&Warby party until tomorrow night. I'm still so excited for it and will post pics Wednesday.

I wasn't completely unproductive over the weekend, however.

I painted my nails.
I organized my makeup.
I took Hazel on several wonderfully warm evening walks.
(I truly love walking our dogs. If you ask me, owning a dog is the best way to keep your body moving. It's the perfect way to get daily exercise and fresh air. I wouldn't trade doggy walks for any gym/fitness club in the world.)

I started a new book- The Paris Wife is amazing. It is about Ernest Hemingway's first wife, Hadley. It's one of those books that is so good that I can't help but read it slowly so as to extend the experience of it a little longer than normal.

On Saturday, we went to a birthday party for my great-nephew, Cash. Harper had a great time playing at the playground and eating candy. 

Harper got really sweaty/dirty/sunscreeny at the party. She had a bath when we got home and looked positively delicious once she was all clean and lotiony.

I also managed to hit my neighbor's yard sale, where I gathered some pretty awesome Harper treasures. She got a tricycle and a booster seat. She loves both already.

Yard sales are awesome. So is Harper, especially when she pairs a party dress with playtime shoes. Oh my, she is so cute and seriously, whoever taught her how to dress really must be a genius.

I took Tucker on two walks as well. He likes walking with me but what he really loves is going to the park with Colt (Colt is the "fun" parent because he lets Tucker run free, chase balls, and jump fences). Here he is on Saturday, all ready to go. Isn't he a sweetie? He is turning one this week!

It doesn't seem like I did much over the weekend but by last night, I felt (and looked!) exhausted.

Now I'm rested and ready for a busy/fun/amazing week.

How are you today?

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Meet Harper, The Nail Biter
It seems that Harper has picked up on and adopted my worst habit.
I've been a nail biter for as long as I can remember.
I hate it and am constantly trying to quit.
I'd prefer to kick Harper's nail nibbling habit right away.

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Friday and I've Got a Plan

Weekend plans:
  • Spend time with parents (eating, talking, playing)
  • Go to neighbor's Saturday yard sale and try to not buy everything
  • Try two new places for SLC Saturdays project (this might be hard with my parents in town since they are oldish and don't like to try new things)
  • Snuggle Harper until she almost pops
  • Take Harper to Frogurt 
  • Watch Netflix with Colt while snuggling together and eating gummy worms
  • Convince parents to get an iPad (this is my solution to their computer situation... and iPad might not be as overwhelming as a great, big, scary computer and then the people that matter most might actually read this little blog once in a while)
  • Go to Whitney's on Sunday for Wine&Warby night
Whitney, Carri (Whit's mom), and I each ordered 5 pair of Warby Parker glasses for the home try on. We are going to get together and have a little party with all 15 pair- and a few bottles of wine. It's going to be awesome. I'm so excited and I know that you are because you know me so well and you know that I'll post pics. I'm actually going to post photos of my favorite of the 15 pair and let you participate in a little "Which Warby Parkers should Abby get next" kind of poll. 

Don't you just love it when I give you a reason to look forward to Monday?

I was so happy to see that so many of my favorite blog friends entered the Rush Photography photo contest. If you didn't enter, that's okay. I didn't enter, either. You can still "like" Rush Photography on facebook and cast your vote for one of the photos. 

I've got two more thoughts before I wish you a Happy Friday and go about my weekend business.

#1. I know that I told you I was excited to finally have some Harry Potter closure. I was wrong and I'm not going to lie, I got chills when I watched JK Rowling's Pottermore announcement. I'm so excited to share this website with Harper once we start reading Harry Potter together. She isn't quite ready for it yet, but it won't be long. Right now, we are reading the original Pooh stories and I'm loving them just as much as Harper, if not more so. They are so sweet and witty. I think every parent should read Milne's Pooh stories to their children because children really are smarter than we give them credit for and they deserve smart stories.

#2. True Blood Season 4 starts next week and I'm so excited. This show is my guilty pleasure, mainly because it's chuck full of beautiful people. Eric, for example, is my vampire crush. I don't ever have male celebrity crushes (female celeb crushes are a different story....) but I most definitely have character crushes. They include, but are not limited to, Vampire Eric, Neville Longbottom, and Mr. Darcy.

I'm on team Eric all the way. I read the Sookie Stackhouse books (another guilty pleasure which I will not allow you to judge me for) and I have a theory about Sookie using her "wish" and ending up with a human Eric (Charlaine Harris has said that Sookie will never become a vampire). 

It had better happen because if she winds up with Quinn, Bill, Sam, or Alcide, I'll never forgive Charlaine Harris. Not ever.

I love Sookie and I love Anna Paquin. She is seriously beyond cute. Sometimes we call Harper Sookie because they have matching (and equally adorable) gaps between their front teeth. 

Happy weekend, my sweet friends and just in case you feel like you haven't seen enough Harper sleeping photos, here is an especially cute one from last night for you to enjoy...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

One About The Important Things- Lipstick, Hair, and Shoes.

I've made sure to teach Harper the important lessons in life. 

Like, it's okay to wear your pajamas (or at least half of them) at 2:00 in the afternoon so long as you put lipstick on. 

She is learning well.
Isn't she the most adorable little person you've ever seen? Yes, I think so, too. Sometimes I have a hard time believing that something so cute can really exist. It does. Her name is Harper.

Anyhow, I've received several messages/e-mails about my hair.
Thank you for your sweet compliments. There is really no big secret to it. In fact, I'm probably one of the laziest hair stylers ever. The photo above involved washing, a few products, and a comb- Harper and I had a dance party while I waited for it to dry (maybe that's the secret?). It seems that if I mess too much with my hair, I don't like it. These days, I prefer a non-fuss look, which is good for me since giving Harper a piggy back ride is so much more fun than flat ironing my hair (I can't believe that I used to blow dry/flat iron my hair DAILY... pure craziness, if you ask me).
Anyway, I use Pureology shampoo/conditioner (worth every single penny) and leave the rest up to my stylist, Whitney, whom you should all know and love by now. If you want to contact her with questions or to make an appointment, just go to here. I'm terrible at answering e-mails/messages so this will be a much more efficient way for you to get ahold of her. Please do, too. Right now, she's offering a complimentary deep condition with any cut/color.

Finally, I've got some excellent news today, friends. I found another pair of jeweled ballet flats to replace the ones that Harper wore out/out grew, which, by the way, are now living in my dresser drawer. I come close to tears whenever I see them. For me, they sort of represent the past year of Harper's life and all of the adventures/memories we had together, like going to the zoo with my mom and Crystal.
Harper's little jeweled ballet flats were her favorite. I think she liked that she could put them on herself. Truthfully, they were my favorite, too. I love the convenience of ballet flats, for both me and Harper. In my humble (yet most correct) opinion, ballet flats are the perfect type of shoe. You just slip them on and go. No socks, no tying/buckling required. Plus they look amazing with nearly anything, even pajamas and a black eye. Just ask Harper.
I've been web stalking BabyGap every morning, anxiously waiting for them to release a similar pair. Today, my friends, was the day.
Are these the cutest thing you've ever seen or what? They come in pink, too, and I really don't think I'm going to be able to choose between the colors. Harper is going to have both, I'm sure of it.

Happy Thursday to you and Happy Friday to me! My parents are coming to town today and I am beyond excited!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

An Update on Harper's Extreme Naughtiness

Remember... Today is the last day to enter the Rush Photography Photo Contest. You could win a free photo session with Whitney Rushton! For details, go here.

Just wanted to let all of you know that today is going much better than yesterday (many heartfelt thanks to the makers of Children's Tylenol for this peaceful afternoon). Harper is no longer in the running for world's naughtiest child. However, as I type this, she is licking the back of my camera, so that might change. It's minute to minute around here, folks.

We haven't been without messes today, though. Harper has managed to spill an entire bag of goldfish crackers, decorate her face- and the kitchen table- with Desitin (she had to choose the worst smelling product ever), and turn her room into what looks like the aftermath of a tornado.

Remember this shirt? I originally blogged about it here.
Well, I've decided that "Little girl, BIG messes" would be more appropriate for Harper at this stage in her life.

We are going to have some girl time this afternoon. I'm going to give myself (and possibly Harper) a manicure. I'm thinking navy polish- plus one glittery pink nail. I'm not really a glitter kind of girl but I'm thinking sparkly polish might be like blue polish- perfect when applied to only one nail.

To the Test

Let's face it- not even instagram can make a Harper Jane Mega Tantrum look cute.

Harper must really want to make sure that I work on my June focus words (patience, poise, purpose). She is especially concerned with PATIENCE, obviously, since she spent the entire day yesterday making messes, breaking things, and throwing mega-tantrums. I am not exaggerating when I say that Harper did not so much as touch a toy yesterday. She didn't read a book or do a puzzle. Instead, Harper pulled all of her clothes off their hangers, broke a cookie jar, squished a lipstick, dumped Hazel's food (twice), and attempted to empty every drawer in our house in her never ending quest for the biggest "no-no" item in existence. She carried a stool around with her to make sure she would have ready access to all of the drawers.

It sounds like I'm not very good at watching her. That isn't the case, I promise. She is just incredibly apt (and unbelievably fast) at sneaking around when I'm busy brushing my teeth or making lunch.

Yesterday I came to understand why some parents spank their children. Before Harper, I totally judged spanker parents as lazy and impatient. I still don't spank Harper (it's a miracle that Harper made it through yesterday without a solid spanking), yet I understand now why/how other parents are driven to do so.

Anyway, as Harper put my patience to the ultimate test yesterday, I tried to remind myself of several things...
  • Harper is a toddler. Therefore, it is her JOB to test boundaries (hers and mine) and explore the world around her.
  • THE DAYS MAY BE LONG BUT THE YEARS ARE SHORT- I know I've mentioned this little saying on here before. It may be a little cheesy but seriously, it saved my sanity (and Harper's backside) yesterday.
  • Harper is cutting teeth, meaning that her tantrums have more to do with intense pain in her mouth and less to do with how she actually feels about getting dressed, having her hair combed, not being able to play with Sharpies, and being told "no" in general.
When I tell Harper no or get after her for something, I always start by saying, "Harper, I love you." It helps keep me centered and lets Harper know that I love her even when I'm being stern, putting her in time out, or taking her crayons away.

I think I just about wore the phrase out yesterday...
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't pull all of your clothing off of the hangers and shove it in a drawer."
  • Harper, I love you but you can't color in Mommy's book of e.e. cummings poetry. You can't color in Emily Dickinson, either."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't play with Daddy's toothbrush."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't clean the television with Mommy's toothbrush.
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't color with permanent markers."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't play with things you find in the garbage."
  • "Harper, I love you but if you kick Hazel, you will go in time out."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't use Mommy's music books as a stepping stool."
  • "Harper, I love you but I need you to stop kicking me so that I can change your diaper."
  • "Harper I love you but you really shouldn't feed crayons to Hazel."
  • "Harper, I love you but you aren't going to use Daddy's pontoon oar to flip all of the bark out of the planter bed and onto the sidewalk."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't wear wet clothing to bed."
Thus far, today is much better than yesterday. Harper is still on the ornery side but is happy for the moment, mainly because I let her choose her own outfit. She is wearing pink and white zebra pants, a green shirt with yellow flowers (she wanted to wear a blue unicorn shirt over the green flower shirt but I convinced her that one t-shirt is enough for today), an orange hoodie, and Winnie-the-Pooh slippers.

Speaking of cute little toddler feet....

I'm still addicted to toddler shoes. I'm ordering Harper a new pair of sparkly Lelli Kelly maryjane shoes today (plus a pair of Kenneth Cole Reaction flats for myself, of course). I was going to post a photo of them but can't add an image to this post to save my life.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yard Sales and Nordstrom Sales

First things first... Remember how I told you I was thinking of adding a "Recommended Reading" page to this little blog? Well, I decided to do it, but with a twist. Over on my sidebar you will see an Amazon Wish List/Recommendation box. This is where you can find a list of my favorite (past and present) books. I'll keep quite a few on there at all times but if you need further literary guidance, feel free to e-mail me. I'm pretty much a bookaholic and am always happy to chat reading with just about anyone who is interested (unless you want to chat about the amazingness of Twilight, in which case, I will have nothing to say).

Now for the yard sale coverage I promised you earlier today. You know that little old lady that lives in my soul- the one who loves old movies, Hummel figurines, Barbara Streisand, and squishy-faced doggies? Well, she also loves yard sales.

I usually avoid yard sales because once I drive up to one and get out of my car, all self control goes out the window. It's the same with the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale. I just have to stay away.

Last Saturday, I was on a completely innocent trip to Smith's for Father's Day wrapping paper when I saw a bright pink poster advertising a garage sale. Without thinking, I turned. I followed the subsequent neon posters and after a couple of minutes, pulled up to the yard sale. Once I saw a cute little old lady sitting in a chair with a money box, I was done for.

$16 bought me a set of vintage (circa 1900, or so that cute little old lady claimed- she said they were her mother's... either way, they are orange and completely fabulous) dessert plates/bowls, an afghan, two vintage serving bowls (exactly like the ones we used at my Grandma Beth's when I was a little girl... sniff sniff), a Christmas platter, some dress up jewelry for Harper, a wooden hand mirror for Harper (which, being a narcissist in training, she loves), and a most fabulously old magazine stand.

It goes without saying that the little old lady that lives in my soul was delighted.

I don't know about you, but I think Miss Harper might be part little old lady, too. Why else would she wear this hat?

If Harper Could Talk

Harper can't really speak yet. She knows many words, it's true, but none of them are fitting for a heartfelt speech. If Harper could talk, here is what I think she may have said to Colt on Sunday...

Dear Daddy,
I love you so much.
You are the coolest/tallest person I know.
Thank you for always sharing your snacks with me.
I really love when you give me bites of ice cream/cheetos/cake.
Mommy is mean and makes me eat veggies/raisins/granola bars.
Your snacks are way better.
Thank you for not beating me when I do really naughty things.
I will try to stop throwing spaghetti on the carpet, I promise.
I will try to stop dumping Hazel's water all over the house, I promise.
Thank you for playing with me and making me laugh.
Thank you for working hard so that I can have every toy/outfit imaginable.
Thank you for letting me use you as a pillow.
Your little stink bum/bugger/booboo
(Those are Colt's nicknames for Harper.)

Anyway, I told you we had a quiet weekend. 
On Saturday, I went to a yard sale and found many delightful treasures. I'll post pics of those later today.
We took Harper to the splash pad for a couple of hours.
We watched the US Open and yes, I cried when Rory Mcilroy hugged his dad after a -16 win. It was amazing. 
I went to the library to pick up my holds. I'm so excited to read The Paris Wife.
Colt loved his Father's Day presents. We gave him golf balls, a putting pad, a laptop desk, and some other little prizes like razor blades, chap stick, and car cleaning stuff.
Hazelnut loves the putting pad. She laid on it all weekend.

Harper was a bit sick over the weekend. I think she is getting a couple of teeth. She ate next to nothing and slept quite a lot. Look how perfectly cute she is when she sleeps. Someday, Colt is going to find me in Harper's crib snuggling with this sleepy baby.