Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yard Sales and Nordstrom Sales

First things first... Remember how I told you I was thinking of adding a "Recommended Reading" page to this little blog? Well, I decided to do it, but with a twist. Over on my sidebar you will see an Amazon Wish List/Recommendation box. This is where you can find a list of my favorite (past and present) books. I'll keep quite a few on there at all times but if you need further literary guidance, feel free to e-mail me. I'm pretty much a bookaholic and am always happy to chat reading with just about anyone who is interested (unless you want to chat about the amazingness of Twilight, in which case, I will have nothing to say).

Now for the yard sale coverage I promised you earlier today. You know that little old lady that lives in my soul- the one who loves old movies, Hummel figurines, Barbara Streisand, and squishy-faced doggies? Well, she also loves yard sales.

I usually avoid yard sales because once I drive up to one and get out of my car, all self control goes out the window. It's the same with the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale. I just have to stay away.

Last Saturday, I was on a completely innocent trip to Smith's for Father's Day wrapping paper when I saw a bright pink poster advertising a garage sale. Without thinking, I turned. I followed the subsequent neon posters and after a couple of minutes, pulled up to the yard sale. Once I saw a cute little old lady sitting in a chair with a money box, I was done for.

$16 bought me a set of vintage (circa 1900, or so that cute little old lady claimed- she said they were her mother's... either way, they are orange and completely fabulous) dessert plates/bowls, an afghan, two vintage serving bowls (exactly like the ones we used at my Grandma Beth's when I was a little girl... sniff sniff), a Christmas platter, some dress up jewelry for Harper, a wooden hand mirror for Harper (which, being a narcissist in training, she loves), and a most fabulously old magazine stand.

It goes without saying that the little old lady that lives in my soul was delighted.

I don't know about you, but I think Miss Harper might be part little old lady, too. Why else would she wear this hat?


  1. I have an old lady in me too! When my grandma died they just brought all the "old" stuff to me instead of the DI! I'm totally drooling over the orange bowls and plates. Maybe I will have to start hitting yard sales...

  2. I love so much! You are so lucky to find such vintage things! I never do.

  3. aw harper is too cute in that hat!


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