Wednesday, June 22, 2011

To the Test

Let's face it- not even instagram can make a Harper Jane Mega Tantrum look cute.

Harper must really want to make sure that I work on my June focus words (patience, poise, purpose). She is especially concerned with PATIENCE, obviously, since she spent the entire day yesterday making messes, breaking things, and throwing mega-tantrums. I am not exaggerating when I say that Harper did not so much as touch a toy yesterday. She didn't read a book or do a puzzle. Instead, Harper pulled all of her clothes off their hangers, broke a cookie jar, squished a lipstick, dumped Hazel's food (twice), and attempted to empty every drawer in our house in her never ending quest for the biggest "no-no" item in existence. She carried a stool around with her to make sure she would have ready access to all of the drawers.

It sounds like I'm not very good at watching her. That isn't the case, I promise. She is just incredibly apt (and unbelievably fast) at sneaking around when I'm busy brushing my teeth or making lunch.

Yesterday I came to understand why some parents spank their children. Before Harper, I totally judged spanker parents as lazy and impatient. I still don't spank Harper (it's a miracle that Harper made it through yesterday without a solid spanking), yet I understand now why/how other parents are driven to do so.

Anyway, as Harper put my patience to the ultimate test yesterday, I tried to remind myself of several things...
  • Harper is a toddler. Therefore, it is her JOB to test boundaries (hers and mine) and explore the world around her.
  • THE DAYS MAY BE LONG BUT THE YEARS ARE SHORT- I know I've mentioned this little saying on here before. It may be a little cheesy but seriously, it saved my sanity (and Harper's backside) yesterday.
  • Harper is cutting teeth, meaning that her tantrums have more to do with intense pain in her mouth and less to do with how she actually feels about getting dressed, having her hair combed, not being able to play with Sharpies, and being told "no" in general.
When I tell Harper no or get after her for something, I always start by saying, "Harper, I love you." It helps keep me centered and lets Harper know that I love her even when I'm being stern, putting her in time out, or taking her crayons away.

I think I just about wore the phrase out yesterday...
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't pull all of your clothing off of the hangers and shove it in a drawer."
  • Harper, I love you but you can't color in Mommy's book of e.e. cummings poetry. You can't color in Emily Dickinson, either."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't play with Daddy's toothbrush."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't clean the television with Mommy's toothbrush.
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't color with permanent markers."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't play with things you find in the garbage."
  • "Harper, I love you but if you kick Hazel, you will go in time out."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't use Mommy's music books as a stepping stool."
  • "Harper, I love you but I need you to stop kicking me so that I can change your diaper."
  • "Harper I love you but you really shouldn't feed crayons to Hazel."
  • "Harper, I love you but you aren't going to use Daddy's pontoon oar to flip all of the bark out of the planter bed and onto the sidewalk."
  • "Harper, I love you but you can't wear wet clothing to bed."
Thus far, today is much better than yesterday. Harper is still on the ornery side but is happy for the moment, mainly because I let her choose her own outfit. She is wearing pink and white zebra pants, a green shirt with yellow flowers (she wanted to wear a blue unicorn shirt over the green flower shirt but I convinced her that one t-shirt is enough for today), an orange hoodie, and Winnie-the-Pooh slippers.

Speaking of cute little toddler feet....

I'm still addicted to toddler shoes. I'm ordering Harper a new pair of sparkly Lelli Kelly maryjane shoes today (plus a pair of Kenneth Cole Reaction flats for myself, of course). I was going to post a photo of them but can't add an image to this post to save my life.


  1. Oh heavens! That sounds like my days lately. I like the I love you part. That is a good way to do it. I usually start off by saying, Luke, calm down, mommy needs to talk to you, then it calms me down too. I am going to try the I love you...
    It gets better, right?

  2. Not looking forward to these days! Yikes. I'm going to pretend that it won't happen. :) BTW I entered the photo contest. Thanks for the heads up!


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