Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Friday and I've Got a Plan

Weekend plans:
  • Spend time with parents (eating, talking, playing)
  • Go to neighbor's Saturday yard sale and try to not buy everything
  • Try two new places for SLC Saturdays project (this might be hard with my parents in town since they are oldish and don't like to try new things)
  • Snuggle Harper until she almost pops
  • Take Harper to Frogurt 
  • Watch Netflix with Colt while snuggling together and eating gummy worms
  • Convince parents to get an iPad (this is my solution to their computer situation... and iPad might not be as overwhelming as a great, big, scary computer and then the people that matter most might actually read this little blog once in a while)
  • Go to Whitney's on Sunday for Wine&Warby night
Whitney, Carri (Whit's mom), and I each ordered 5 pair of Warby Parker glasses for the home try on. We are going to get together and have a little party with all 15 pair- and a few bottles of wine. It's going to be awesome. I'm so excited and I know that you are because you know me so well and you know that I'll post pics. I'm actually going to post photos of my favorite of the 15 pair and let you participate in a little "Which Warby Parkers should Abby get next" kind of poll. 

Don't you just love it when I give you a reason to look forward to Monday?

I was so happy to see that so many of my favorite blog friends entered the Rush Photography photo contest. If you didn't enter, that's okay. I didn't enter, either. You can still "like" Rush Photography on facebook and cast your vote for one of the photos. 

I've got two more thoughts before I wish you a Happy Friday and go about my weekend business.

#1. I know that I told you I was excited to finally have some Harry Potter closure. I was wrong and I'm not going to lie, I got chills when I watched JK Rowling's Pottermore announcement. I'm so excited to share this website with Harper once we start reading Harry Potter together. She isn't quite ready for it yet, but it won't be long. Right now, we are reading the original Pooh stories and I'm loving them just as much as Harper, if not more so. They are so sweet and witty. I think every parent should read Milne's Pooh stories to their children because children really are smarter than we give them credit for and they deserve smart stories.

#2. True Blood Season 4 starts next week and I'm so excited. This show is my guilty pleasure, mainly because it's chuck full of beautiful people. Eric, for example, is my vampire crush. I don't ever have male celebrity crushes (female celeb crushes are a different story....) but I most definitely have character crushes. They include, but are not limited to, Vampire Eric, Neville Longbottom, and Mr. Darcy.

I'm on team Eric all the way. I read the Sookie Stackhouse books (another guilty pleasure which I will not allow you to judge me for) and I have a theory about Sookie using her "wish" and ending up with a human Eric (Charlaine Harris has said that Sookie will never become a vampire). 

It had better happen because if she winds up with Quinn, Bill, Sam, or Alcide, I'll never forgive Charlaine Harris. Not ever.

I love Sookie and I love Anna Paquin. She is seriously beyond cute. Sometimes we call Harper Sookie because they have matching (and equally adorable) gaps between their front teeth. 

Happy weekend, my sweet friends and just in case you feel like you haven't seen enough Harper sleeping photos, here is an especially cute one from last night for you to enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. Your Warby Parker night sounds like a blast! Can't wait to see what you pick out!


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