Thursday, June 19, 2014

Four and a Half

We wanted to give our moms and grandmas updated photos for Mother's Day so we booked a session with Ryan from In a Trance Photography

We did the photos by my in-laws' house. They live on the most quaint private lane in Cottonwood Heights (Harper actually thinks they live in a magical forest). There are trees all over and lots of little whimsical spots, making it the perfect location for photos. We actually had our engagement photos done there in the winter of 2010. The lane is beautiful during every season but it is especially so during springtime when everything is green and wildflowers are in bloom. 

I love the photos that Ryan took. I feel like he really captured the adorable little Harper that we all know and love. My favorite thing about them is that none of the smiles or poses seem forced. She looks happy and comfortable in all of the images, and the all of the smiles are natural and genuine. Ryan is a talented photographer and is a pleasure to work with. You can check out more of his work or get info on booking a session by visiting his Facebook page

The last two are my personal favorites. Her smile lights up my life and I am completely in love with each and every one of those adorable little freckles. 

I really can't believe that we are nearing Harper's fifth birthday (we have booked a magician for her party and she is so excited). Five just seems so old. Harper hasn't been a baby for a long time but I feel like when she reaches the big five, her babyhood will really and truly be over (like maybe she will start riding her bike without training wheels and stop thinking that grandma lives in a magical forest kind of over). It will be the end of an era for us and while I am excited to see what being a big kid will bring for Harper, I sure would like time to slow down for the next few months. There will be plenty of time for Harper to test her five year old wings. For now, this mama bird needs her baby snug in the nest for just a little while longer.

I can't say enough how glad I am that Harper missed the deadline for 2014 Kindergarten by being born in October. I am really looking forward to having her at home for another year. Being her first teacher has been a joy that I will never forget. Her mind and her creativity amaze me on a daily basis. I am blown away by how quickly she picks up on new things. I have loved watching her learn and change this past year and am looking forward to our second year of preschool together.

What I really love is that, even though she is coming on the big FIVE, she is still the same Harper that she has always been. She is still my silly and stubborn little lady that loves to snuggle, play, and create. She has always been equal parts sweet and sassy and I hope that she always will be.

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