Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Story Time with Harper: New Books

Harper has, to my great happiness, become very interested in books. She's always liked story time but just recently the books we read have really started to make sense to her and she is always wanting me to read to her (I feel like jumping for joy each time she asks). Some of her current favorites from our children's library here at home are Birdie's Big Girl Shoes, Pinkalicious, Silverlicious, Purplicious, Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Jemima Puddle Duck, and Courdoroy (a long time favorite for both of us... if only all children's literature could be as good as Courdoroy...).

I can't say enough how much Harper and I both enjoy the Pinkalicious series from Victoria Kann. I know it's really popular and that I'm probably not telling you something new when I say that it's a good one. I can't write a post about reading with Harper without mentioning it, though, because my little Harps really is in love with the four books that she has. She has the first book memorized and is planning for a Pinkalicious birthday party (Ideas? Inspiration? Send them my way, please!). She will be receiving Goldalicious as her official birthday book, a favorite tradition around here, in October (which is when she turns four, which is not something I'm altogether prepared to talk about). I wanted to give her a few other books for her big day as well. That, combined with the fact that I started teaching preschool last week (more about that later), has given us good reason to visit the library a bit more frequently.

We have found some pretty good books lately and I thought I'd share them with you. You can find my other favorite Harper books in this post.
Claire and the Unicorn, Happy Ever After by B.G. Hennessy and Susan Mitchell:
I love this book and so does Harper.
The story and the photos are magical.
We returned our library copy earlier this week and Harper was really sad.
What she doesn't know is that there is a copy wrapped and waiting downstairs for her.
She will be getting it for her birthday.

Butterfly House by Eve Bunting and Greg Shed:
This book is beautiful. 
It made me cry.
Harper liked it, too. 
Then again, anything with butterflies is a win with her.

The Invisible Moose by Dennis Haseley and Steven Kellogg:
Harper loved this book.
We read it at least once a day while it was here.
Although it's not my favorite, the story is cute and I will be ordering it because Harper liked it so much.

When I Feel Scared by Cornelia Maude Spelman and Kathy Parkinson:
Harper is in a stage where being afraid happens daily.
Strange noises make her jumpy and she is always afraid of something.
Monsters, zombies, vampires, and all sorts of creatures creep into her mind every night at bedtime and convince her that she is too scared to go to bed.
I don't want her to experience unnecessary fear and so I've been really blunt with her.
We have been talking a lot about what is real and what isn't real.
It's starting to make sense to Harper that some things really exist while others are just made up.
I feel bad for ruining some mystery for her but would rather her feel secure than believe in unicorns.
(On a side note, she isn't quite sure she believes me yet about fairies and mermaids belonging in the "not real" category.)
This book has helped us along the way.
It's been a great tool for opening up discussions about fear and what she should do if/when she feels afraid.

What are your little ones reading lately?
Any good suggestions for us?

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