Monday, July 8, 2013


Loving: summer and all of the good stuff (watermelon, hiking, holidays, camping, skirts, dresses, huarache sandals, snow cones, and pool parties) that comes with it.

Reading: Carrie. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors. Whenever I read something of his, my writing seems to flow better and come easier. His writing style is really inspiring to me.

Listening to: lots and lots of piano music.

Thinking about: so much stuff, as usual. This part of my "Currently" posts is always a hard one for me. I could write endlessly about what I'm thinking about (and I do, in my personal journal) but I really struggle to put it into a concise statement.

Basically, I've got parenting on the brain right now. More specifically, I've got parenting a kid (as opposed to a toddler) on the brain. Harper as a kid is so different- a whole new world for us. Harper as a kid is putting Colt and I both to the test every day. She is curious and gets bored easily and her emotions are up and down with each changing minute (think of the biggest roller coaster you've ever ridden and then times it by ten and you might get a feeling for what we go through on a daily- nay, hourly- basis around here). She changes her clothes about twice an hour and is constantly getting into mischief. For example, I came out from practicing last night and found her with matches, trying to light her own sparkler. Colt had been watching her and was momentarily distracted by something. He isn't around Harper as much as I am and underestimated her and the speed in which she can think of, and execute, a naughty plan.

I'm reading all I can and trying to be patient. Each day is getting better as I learn how to communicate with Harper the kid and as Harper the kid learns what she can/can't say and do.

It's not all bad, however. Harper as a kid is super fun. She and I giggle countless times each day. We also enjoy dance parties and other activities. I love seeing her try new things, like hitting a baseball for the first time and riding her bike to the park. I love talking to her and hearing what she has to say about different things. I love seeing her learn and grow every day and can't believe how quickly she picks things up. We have her signed up for dance and gymnastics in the fall and want to find a soccer league for her. I'm even thinking of starting her out with some simple piano lessons. She's so open to everything right now. I want to expose her to lots of activities so that when the time comes, she can find "her thing."

Working on: keeping up with The Sandy Closet. We are selling inventory pretty quickly and have had to thrift a couple of times a week to keep up. It's been so fun, especially with Whit as my partner. There are few people in the world that really get me. Whit is one of them. I love her and love working with her on this little project.

I'm also spending a lot of time at the piano. I'll be performing at Ciera's Miss America send-off party in August and am doing a lot of preparation for that. I don't have time to learn anything new, which means that I'll be pulling from my repertoire. I spent the last two weeks reviving a few pieces. I hope to make a final choice by the end of the week. I'm leaning towards a Debussy Danse because it isn't as common as some of my other options. Plus, it has some parts that are big and fast and others that are lyrical and jazzy, and I think the particular audience I'll be playing for would enjoy a mix like that.

Looking forward to: my birthday! It's right around the corner. We are deciding between camping and a weekend in Park City. Either way, I can't wait!

I think that's about it. The days go by so quickly that I can barely keep up (I'll have a four year old before I know it and I just don't know what to think of that) with them. They are wonderful days, though, so I can hardly complain.

In case this somewhat long-winded post wasn't enough for you, here is what we have "currently" been up to, according to instagram...

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