Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Harper's First Dance Recital

Harper's first dance recital was last Thursday. It was adorable.

She cried when I left her with her class. One of the other moms had to come find me to tell me that Harper was having a complete breakdown backstage and wouldn't let go of one of the other parents and was even refusing fruit snacks. She hid her face in her arm as she walked on stage but then proceeded to do her entire dance without one ounce of shyness. We'd been practicing at home and she knew it so well. She did such a good job that all of the other girls in her class were watching her for queues!

I didn't get as many photos as I would have liked. Harper was anxious and I was anxious and I didn't want to hassle her even more by trying to get perfect pictures. With Harper, you have to choose your battles. I'd won the hair styling battle earlier in the evening (note the adorable ponytail) as well as the "you can't take a big bag of princess toys to the recital" battle. I figured I'd leave the "pose and say cheese while I take 37 photos of you" battle alone.

Harper's class did a tap dance to "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better." Harper was so cute with her twirls and chasses that I could barely handle it.

I was so proud.

I totally cried.

1 comment:

  1. I think you got some darling pictures! I'm impressed that's what you get when you don't choose that battle. :)


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