Monday, May 20, 2013

Parents: I Need Advice- Big Advice!

You guys all know Calli, my sister-in-law and friend. She's a huge part of our lives and we couldn't be more excited about the fact that she's expecting a baby.
The problem is that Harper wants to know all about what she calls "the baby in Calli's belly." I didn't think she'd be too curious since she is only three, but I was wrong. Harper has asked some pretty big questions about her future cousin (by the way, it's a boy, and Harper wants to name it King Triton).

She wants to know how it got in her belly.

She also wants to know how it's going to get out.

I've got the second question pretty well covered. The first one, however, has me speechless. Totally speechless.

I have no idea how to answer such a big question when such a little girl is asking it.

So I'm coming to you, blog friends. I need your experience and expertise.

I need your advice and stories so that I can figure out what to tell my curious three-year-old. How did/do you answer questions like this? I don't want to lie to Harper, but she is only three and can't handle to much information, if you know what I mean.

Please, please help steer me in the right direction here. I'll take any stories and tips that you have to offer.


  1. eeek!! i don't know how to help but i will need help in a few years when my little guy is older too!! anyways, congrats to your SIL!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  2. Oh my gosh! I am dreading the day Elijah starts asking questions, haha. I would avoid it at all costs. In one of my parenting classes they referenced some books that were appropriate for different ages and had a good dialogue to share with kids. The main thing they said was to not make up names for parts and just be honest but age appropriate. I would say something like when a mommy and daddy love each other very much, they are able to make a baby together... or something. I don't know. It's lame but I'm kind of lame too so I'm not much help, haha.

  3. With this last pregnancy, Tyler (my then five-year-old) was asking a TON of questions, including the ones Harper is asking. I told him that it takes a mommy & daddy to make a baby and that the daddy plants a seed in the mommy's tummy that grows into a baby. That seemed to be enough info for him. Except, his follow up question was, "Can I help make our next baby?", no son, sorry, not until you're older and married, then you can make a baby with your wife. Yikes!


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