Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fishing with Daddy

A lot of guys like to fish. I get that. It's a pretty common thing.

Colt, however, is not a lot of guys.

He doesn't just like to fish- he loves to fish, and he takes it very seriously. He is probably one of the most knowledgable people about fishing in Utah that you could ever meet and his collection of fishing equipment would leave most anglers green with envy.

Last weekend, he did something he's been looking forward to for a long time. He took his little bugger (Colt's got a whole bunch of names for Harps... little bugger, bubba, stink bum, and bug are his favorites) fishing for the first time. He was so excited that he even bought Power Bait, which is normally against his standards as a serious fisherman (true story). He tied a double hook (live bait plus the power bait plus some super stinky garlic spray) to give her as much of a chance of catching a fish as possible.

It didn't work. The wind, a busy pond, an enticing playground, and Harper's short attention span worked against us. Harper didn't catch a fish but had fun trying out her princess pole nonetheless. She is now officially more experienced at fishing than I am.

1 comment:

  1. that is really sweet! glad i found you through he giveaway/// I'm Christina from the olive re nice to "meet" you :)


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