Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Beauty Aisle: I Need Your Opinions!

Please forgive me because I'm going to be a bit shallow and vain for a moment. I'm going to write an entire post and ask your opinion about my hair. I realize how unimportant hair color/length is is the grand scheme of things but I really need some good advice and I think you guys can give it to me.

I have a thing about changing my hair. I do it a lot.

Just since meeting Colt, I have had long hair, short hair, light hair, dark hair, hair with bangs, hair without bangs, ombre hair, and red hair.



Right now, I have long red hair with thick Zooey D. type bangs.
I spent a lot of time and effort growing my hair out including, but not limited to, sleeping on a satin pillowcase, washing my hair only every fourth or fifth day, doing olive oil treatments, and avoiding heat styling as much as possible (read more about that here). Now that it's long, I'm tired of it. It's high maintenance and it's always tangled. I find myself missing my short hair and am thinking of doing a drastic cut (I've even made an appointment with my stylist). When I look back, I think my favorite length was medium/shoulder. I could wear it straight or wavy without much effort and could still pull it back if needed. I had this length when Colt and I got married and always miss it when I look at our photos.

I love my red hair but am really tired of the cut. I'm considering something like this...
What do you think? Honestly, do I go short or stay long? I'll take any and all advice (my feelings are like steel so don't worry about hurting them). 

P.S. If you are in SLC and in need of a good stylist, let me know and I'll send you to mine. She's amazing!


  1. I LOVE that Nicole Ritchie cut, very chic and edgy! I know that whenever I cut my hair I hate it with a passion and always regret it. It sounds like you have liked it shorter, though....does it stay nice and smooth in the summer when it is shorter? Would you still be able to out it up?

  2. Well, I currently have auburn hair and I love it. It's dark without being emo/goth. It's also shoulder length which is fantastic for all of the reasons you mentioned. One thing I hate oh-so-much though is bangs, they make me look sloppy and old. However, about once a year I think to myself "I should get bangs, they'll frame my face so nicely," and I'm always wrong. We have similar face shapes, but not features. I think bangs are a no for you too. Looking at the pictures you've posted (I hope your feelings really are steel so I'm not an ass for saying this), it makes your nose look wider. I say medium length, freshen up the red and no bangs :)

  3. I think I got bangs because I wanted a change but was too wussy to just go for the cut I wanted. Bangs are a pain in the rear. They look awful when you wake up and you have to wash your hair nearly daily when you have them. At least they will be easier to grow out if I have shorter hair. Medium length really is the best, I think. I like short hair but can't rock it thanks to my Pritchard ears. Ha ha.

  4. I love the fringe (bangs), they really suit you. Perhaps short with bangs? I like it red or dark, too.


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