Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Job

I don't talk about my job a whole lot on here. If you're new, you may not even know what I do.

I run a small daycare out of my house. I love it and can't imagine life without it. I get the best of everything- I get to be home with Harper and I get to work. I get to know amazing people and kids and Harper gets to have darling little friends (her life would not be the same without the special friendships she has made through our daycare). I spend my days playing, teaching (I do some preschooling with Harper and the three older children), singing, and dancing. It's wonderful. We have music time three days a week and are adding yoga to our schedule. We do puzzles and watch movies. We play outside and read stories. The fun and the laughter is endless.

My job isn't glamourous and I spend most of each day in yoga clothing, but I still love it. For me, it's the best job and I wouldn't trade it for any other.

The children and parents (most of them) that I work with become like family to us and right now, I have an especially great group of kids and parents. I can honestly say that I wake up everyday excited for work. I never dread Monday, which is a pretty sure sign that my gig is a good one. There is also the fact that I get to hang out with a whole bunch of cuteness all day every day.

These little faces are much cuter than any coworkers/customers I've ever seen. Harper and I are both so grateful for them. They make our lives better and happier each day.

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