Saturday, January 26, 2013

Scenes from Ballet Class

We tried ballet class with Harper last September, right before she turned three. It didn't work. She never wanted to go and had a hard time staying in class. She would always want to come out and sit on my lap. She also wondered where the "blocks" were. I think that a year of jumping into a giant pit of foam blocks and calling it gymnastics gave Harper a somewhat misconstrued idea of what a "class" is. She just wasn't ready yet so we put her shoes away and gave her a little more time to mature.

Harper started ballet class again at the beginning of the year and it's amazing to me how much difference a few months made. This time around, Harps loves (times a million) her class. She is crazy about her uniform (pink tights with a pink leotard) as well as her teacher. She is taking a combination class and is enjoying every minute of it and truthfully, so am I. I take my Kindle each week with the intent of reading while I wait but never even turn it on because I can't stop watching the cuteness that is Harper at dance class.

Harper's class is on Saturday mornings at 10:45, which is perfect for us. It's not too early, giving Harper time to get up and eat breakfast and chill for a bit (Harper is not a morning person and definitely needs a good hour of sofa time before she can readily face the day) and it's not on a weeknight (I'm usually exhausted after work). Today was an extra special day because the girls got to see a photo of their recital costume. Harper quite nearly died when she saw it (thank heaven for the spy windows) and couldn't wait to tell me all about her "sparky pink costume!!!!!" when she got out of class. Her recital will be in June and I will mostly likely cry like a baby- a proud and happy baby, that is.

I took a few instagrams today and thought that I'd let you see what ballet Saturday looks like for us...

See what I mean about cuteness?
If only Harper would just. stop. growing.


  1. This is so adorable...and so great to hear how much she enjoyed it being a little older. you are a wise mommy. Thanks for sharing her cuteness.

  2. Oh so cute! It's so great that you enjoy her in the moment, because those moments go by faster and faster.


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