Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Loving: The piano. It feels so good to be practicing regularly again. The piano is such a big part of me. I know that, whether or not I realize it at the time, I'm not myself when I'm not a practicing pianist. The really great thing is that finding an hour or two each day isn't as difficult as I'd anticipated. I usually practice in the evening while Colt and Harper are hanging out. Luckily, we have a Clavinova, which means I can turn the volume down and practice without bothering them.

Watching: Nothing really. Now that I'm done with Downton Season 3, I want to find something good to watch while I wait for Mad Men to begin again (hurry up, April 7th!). I am thinking of hopping on the Dr. Who train. I'm also interested in the BBC's Sherlock Holmes series. Do any of you watch either of these? If so, what do you think?

Reading: I just finished up with Great Expectations. I loved it yet again. I was perusing some of the reviews for it on Amazon a few days ago and got really sad/mad at some of the ignorant comments. It seems like less and less people appreciate (there is a big difference between liking something and appreciating it) the classics and that more and more people are becoming too stupid to even understand them. It's the same with classical music. I know only a handful of people who really enjoy it anymore. Isn't that sad?

Anyway, my next read will be East of Eden.

Thinking about: Harper and how I can be a better parent for her. I've been focusing on the list of promises that I made to her before she was even born (see that list here). I've been trying to keep them on a daily basis. I've been trying to be more patient with her (that Harper girl puts my patience to test like no other) and to spend quality time with her. There is nothing I love more that laughing/snuggling/coloring/playing/dancing with Harper. She is so fun and so sweet. Lately, she has started telling us that she loves us without us saying it first. Nothing has ever been so heart melting than that.

Working on: Cooking more. When I'm busy, I let dinnertime slide. Frozen pizza and quick-fix meals make it easy for me to avoid making real food. The somewhat hidden truth is, however, that I really enjoy cooking. I've been pulling recipes from Pinterest and making actual meals for us and it's been great.
(Spicy Chipotle Pasta and Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken reciped can be found on Pinterest.)

Looking forward to: A little trip to St. George in March... We (Colt, me, Calli, Kenzie, Whitney, and some other fun people) are going for the weekend to see Macklemore perform. I'm super excited because I have a total musical crush on him.

1 comment:

  1. I've kept up on your blog for awhile now. I remember you saying at some point that you love a good heroine. I just finished a book and thought it might be an enjoyable read for you. The main character is such a heroine and it's one of the sweetest love stories ever, at least I think so. If you haven't read it yet, These is my words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, by Nancy Turner is one of my new faves :)


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