Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

The weekend left me tired and a more than just a little disappointed in people. I was even more ready than usual to spend Monday with a house full of darling and unassuming children. Adults are exhausting to me and this weekend was especially draining. 

Still, my weekend wasn't without its' good moments. Ballet class, authentic spanish restaurant rice (seriously, the stuff is perfection: easy to prepare and totally delicious... find the recipe here), thrifting with Whitney (when you wonder if I purchased the magical blue poncho pictured below, the answer is... no), cute dogs, a birthday party for a special boy, Hotel Transylvania on DVD (the first time, at least... subsequent times weren't as exciting for me as they were for Harper), Superbowl snacks, and pretty much the cutest sweatshirt I've ever owned were some of them. 

1 comment:

  1. Even when I don't actually buy anything, I love going to the thrift store. It is free entertainment, both in the people watching and in discovering the "treasures" people donate.


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