Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thrifting Therapy

Oh boy. I have been excited to do this post for some time now. I just love thrifting and have been dying to share some of my favorite finds with you. I'd actually like to make it a regular thing. How do you feel about that?

Whitney, my entertaining and patient thrifting partner, and I try to go thrifting at least once a week. We like the store- our store- on Sunday morning, right when it opens. We each get a cart and go to town searching for treasures, making fun of super fierce things as we look (here's some advice: don't buy Disneyland sweatshirts for anyone, not even yourself- apparently, they all end up at Goodwill). Then we spend a rather hilarious hour or so at the dressing rooms, trying things on and giggling to each other about how sexy (or not) some of our choices are.

It's awesome. It's like retail therapy but it's cheaper and more fun (there is nothing fun about a $90 sweater). I call it thrifting therapy and I'm finding it to be more and more essential to my sanity and well being.
Michael Stars Sweater: $3.
Teal Beaded Neckace: $2 (I have been wanting to spice up my Vintage Pearl charm for a while now).

Grandma skirts are my new obsession.
These are both the perfect maxi length for me and bonus: they have pockets!
The shell skirt was $6 and the rose one was a whopping $2. 

I think I already shared a picture of Harper's thrifted leotard.
She loves it!

My Vintage Pearl charm needed some uniqueness.
This string of beads in my favorite color (teal blue) was perfect.
I've been wearing my new/old necklace with EVERYTHING.
Remember: in my house, matching is optional.

Earrings: $2 or less per pair. 
I am crazy for the gold hoops because they are the perfect size for me.

I paid $1 for these rose ear buds.
They are, thus far, my favorite thrift store purchase.
I wear them constantly.
Even my mom complimented them and said she would like a pair.

My seashell grandma skirt in action.
I love it.

Did I own these Express green corduroy overalls back in high school? 
Yes, I did.
Did I buy another pair from the thrift store a few weeks ago?
You bet.
At $2, they were the cheapest piece of nostalgia I've ever purchased.
And I actually think they work as long as I wear a tank top with them.
I guess long sleeves would work, too.
Anything but short sleeves, which is what I wore with them back in the day.

These shoes. They are perfect.

Here are a few more earrings that I've purchased, all under $2 a pair.
I always hit the jewelry counter first and I always find treasures.

This post just got me so excited for Sunday morning.
Hooray for thrifting!

1 comment:

  1. You always find such neat stuff, when I go I seem to not find such treasures. Maybe I need to have more patience when I go.


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