Sunday, November 25, 2012

Post-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving

We got home from Vegas earlier this evening. Our Thanksgiving was great and it was wonderful- beyond wonderful, actually- to spend some time with my family. Harper loved it, of course. She didn't want to come home. She actually wanted us to leave her there. That has never happened before and I can't say that it didn't break my heart a bit. Still, I'm happy that she loves my parents so much. Even Colt had a good time (which had nothing to do with the fact that my dad fit him for a set of custom irons, I'm sure).
Harper and Merida on their way to the M&M Store- I must admit that it's sort of nice to have her love a doll that isn't Ariel.

Anyway, I didn't get a chance to do a gratitude post before we left (and, since my parents have neither a computer nor internet, I didn't get a chance to do it while we were away) and wanted to take a quick moment to mention those things that I am most thankful for. Keep in mind that I love and appreciate these people/things every day and not just on a national holiday. I believe in an attitude of gratitude and I know that thankfulness is absolutely necessary to a life of Diligent Joy. How could I be anything but happy when there is so much good in my life? 

Colt- he's sexy and is really good to Harper and me
Harper- she's perfect (and cute and fun and smart and sweet)
Hazelnut- she's so grinchy and I really missed her over the weekend
Tucker- he's my best walking/running partner ever and he's pretty good at snuggling, too!
Our dog sitters- they make going out of town possible and I love that
Our house- I love it
Our neighbors- they are nice and totally not crazy: double win!
Good books- I couldn't live without them
My Kindle- it's the best thing that I never knew I wanted
My job, which I love and wouldn't trade for any job in the world (the parents and kids that I work with are all amazing and I feel blessed to know such great people)
Pretty clothes, especially ones from the thrift store (more about THAT tomorrow :)
Good movies like Love Actually and Secondhand Lions
My parents
My nieces and nephews
My birth parents
Colt's parents
Colt's sisters (I think that sometimes even Colt himself is jealous of how much I talk to Kenzie)
My car
Taco Bell (the veggie cantina burrito sans guacamole is the best thing ever right now)
Good music- for singing, playing, and listening to
The chance to learn and improve on a daily basis
A healthy body and the possibility of more babies in the future
My phone, which is currently out of commission and creating a giant void in my life
The piano- I never appreciated unlimited amounts of uninterrupted practice time when I had it
My hairstylist, who is also the world's best thrifting partner
My bed and the fact that I never (knock on wood) have trouble sleeping in it (or anywhere else, for that matter)

Goodnight, my sweet friends.

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