Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Husband, The Hunter

Some people are just good at everything. Colt is one of those people. He is good at his job (obviously, since he got a surprise promotion and raise just this morning... high five to that, right?). He's smart and social (which is great for me since I'm sort of an anti-social type... I have just adopted Colt's friends as my own and I love all of them because they bring out my silly side) and ridiculously athletic.

Colt is also good at having fun. He has more hobbies than anyone I know and is, no exaggeration, good at all of them. It doesn't matter what he is getting ready for, be it a fishing trip, a round of golf, or hunting season, he always prepares. He researches, reads forums, finds the best equipment, and basically goes into total obsession mode until it's over.

The 2012 rifle hunting season was no exception. Colt devoted several months to watching and reading everything he could find on elk/deer hunting. He talked to people and spent hours (and a few bucks) at Cabela's. The hunting frenzy around here was almost too much for me but I was excited for him because I knew that he was really looking forward to it. I was even more excited for him when he got his deer.

Colt worked really hard for this hunt and was exhausted when it was over. He was super excited with the outcome, however, and so was I.

I realize that it seems weird for a vegetarian to be married to a hunting enthusiast. It's taken some time but I have made peace with this part of Colt's life. I know that Colt respects life and am proud to say that he eats what he kills. I consider deer/elk meat to be just another form of free-range meat. The deer Colt killed wasn't raised or killed under inhumane conditions (a solid rifle shot- another thing Colt is good at- is better than a slaughterhouse). Additionally, it wasn't pumped full of hormones and other possibly harmful substances, making it much the same as the organic beef we would be purchasing at the store anyway.

I also don't believe in forcing my convictions upon other people, Colt included. It is not my place to tell Colt he can't hunt. I've never been a bossy wife and I never will be. It's just not like me to tell someone what they should or should not be doing. Colt golfs, fishes, hunts, and plays softball whenever he wants (yes, I do deserve an award... and a present- a big one :). All I want in return is the same kind of respect. If I want to spend three hours thrifting or wandering through a museum, I don't want anyone, especially my husband, trying to stop me.


  1. I love this post. I've wondered a few times about the hunting/vegetarian thing but you're absolutely right: trying to force something on someone never works out the way you'd like. I love that you both respect each other enough to let your spouse be themself. And that's a good lookin' animal right there. (What? I'm from Payson, I can get away with saying it.)

  2. Agreed. Troy and I have the same type of relationship and I have to say it has worked really well for the both of us. We need room to be ourselves as well as being part of a team.


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