Sunday, November 11, 2012

The One About Ariel and Santa Claus

We are, for the second time this evening, watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Harper is in love with this movie (she has excellent taste, I know) and can't wait to watch more Christmas movies. The girl has got some serious Christmas spirit. She listened to Santa Claus is Coming to Town at least 20 times last night.

It's contagious, too. Harper's Christmas spirit has brought so much excitement to this house and I find myself loving Christmas even more than I already did (which was, by the way, a whole bunch).

Over the weekend, we pulled out Harper's Christmas books. We read them and we talked to her about Santa. Harper ate it all up and is now obsessed with Santa ("him sneak in my house and eat all the cookies and drink his milk"), reindeer (we are leaving nine carrots for nine reindeer), decorations, movies, music, and anything else that has to do with this wonderful time of year. The light in her eyes when she talks about it is so beautiful (I've cried several times). It's not just beautiful. It's magical (people who don't tell their children about Santa because they don't want to lie to them obviously have never experienced such magic). Totally and wonderfully magical.

I believe in the magic of childhood. I believe in the power of a fairy tale. I believe in big silliness and even bigger dreams and I think that there is nothing quite as amazing in this world as the innocence of childhood.

I think a lot of this is due to the fact that I've always been a reader. I've spent my life loving fictional characters (Matilda, Neville Longbottom, Jean Valjean, Belle, and Elphaba, just to name a few) and wishing to visit fictional places (if only I could have received a letter from Hogwarts... I just know that I would have made a brilliant witch!). I know firsthand the magic that comes from believing in something that is just too wonderful to actually be real.

This is why I haven't tried to minimize Harper's obsession with Ariel (it would be quite hypocritical if I did, considering that I was dressing up for Harry Potter book releases and movie premiers well into my 20's). It is the reason that I invited Ariel to Harper's party and also why I told Harper that the personalized mermaid blanket she received in the mail last week was a present from Ariel herself. I want for Harper to experience as much fairy tale wonder as she can before she is old enough to understand that princesses (in the Disney sense, at least) and wizards exist only in imagination.

Harper doesn't know that I arranged and paid for Ariel to come to her birthday party. She doesn't know that I ordered the blanket from Disney's online store. And I like it that way. In this case, ignorance is bliss- a bright-eyed, biggest smile ever kind of bliss.

Harper believes that Ariel sends her surprises in the mail. She also believes that Ariel loves her so much that she came all the way from the sea just to celebrate her birthday with her.

Harper talks about Ariel coming to her party every single day. She shows everyone her blanket and proudly says, "Eeer send me this!" She asks when her special friend is coming again and wants to know all about how we will soon be visiting her at Disneyland. She asks if Ariel can come to all her birthdays. She wants to color her a picture and send it to her in the mail.

Do you see? It's magical. And it makes all of the stress of parenting (late nights, sleepless nights, public tantrums, great big messes...) worth it. Just thinking about it puts a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.

I love every single minute of this magic and wouldn't trade it for anything in the entire world. I love talking to Harper about Santa and Disneyland and Ariel. Not once have I felt guilty about it, either. I hope with all my heart that, as Harper grows and learns the truth about mermaids and fairies, she will still keep the magic with her and that she will appreciate Ariel and other fictional characters for what they are- inspiring and fun. I want her to know that just because something doesn't actually exist, it can still be very real- and very alive- in her heart.

By the way, Harper is getting an Ariel bedroom (sheets, comforter, decorations!) for Christmas. How much is she going to love it? SO much!


  1. Amelia has started begging for little mermaid daily. I love it!!!

  2. You're doing the right thing, there are some things that should be magical for children.

  3. This is seriously amazing and I Love it so much (and it made me tear up multiple times). I am so excited for the time when Kevin understands that Santa Claus is coming and can get excited about it!

    I love Harper! She is completely awesome!


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