Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wheeler Farm

Colt was out of town for part of the weekend (scouting for elk) and so Harper and I did all sorts of girly things together. We went shopping and played Barbies (Harper's current favorite) and painted nails and watched Beauty and the Beast (three times). We also spent most of Saturday with Calli. The three of us hit the farmer's market at Gardner Village, had lunch at Jason's Deli, and visited Wheeler Farm.

I don't know how it happened that I'd never been to Wheeler Farm before. It's basically the perfect place for Harper and me: it's free, it's pretty, there are animals, and it's just down the street from our house. We spent a bit of Saturday afternoon there and Harper had so much fun exploring everything. She petted a baby goat and laughed at the horses but the bunnies were her favorite. She asked several times if she could choose one to take home (the answer was no... I don't think I have it in me to bring a bunny home... the poor soul wouldn't last long in a house with Tucker, Hazel, and Harper). 

Harper's birthday is just over a month away I've been hatching some party plans. Harper wants an Ariel party again (are you even a bit surprised?) and I'm trying to find some fun activities (suggestions are welcome) since Harper's little friends will be invited this year. Ariel herself will actually be making an appearance at the party. She's going to sing and hand out prizes and I'm super excited to see how Harper will react. By the way, if ever you find yourself in need of a princess, let me know. My friend April is a former Disney performer and can do any of the princesses. And she has a voice like gold.

I just can't believe that Harper is going to be three. I'm altogether unprepared for it. I can't look through photos of the past three years without me heart breaking just a little bit. I find myself wishing that I could time travel. I'd sure love to revisit the different stages of her life just to hold her a bit tighter and kiss her a few more times. I tell every new mom that I encounter to slow down and appreciate every moment. A clean house, a new blog post, perfect hair... none of it matters when you have a little one to squeeze. I'm just angry at myself for taking so long to realize this. I regret every single time that I ever put Harper down or brushed her off so that I could take care of something minimal. It's only been very recently that I've stopped worrying about inconsequential things like swept floors and deep conditioning (and blogging, obviously). I just want to stop time and snuggle my precious/sweet/feisty/amazing two year old forever. 

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