Thursday, September 13, 2012


My great-nephew Cash is the only cousin that Harper sees on a regular basis (we are lucky enough to have him here four days a week). He is two and is absolutely hilarious- truly, the kid is so cute that I can barely stand it. I just want to squeeze him until he pops. He's a total boy and loves anything that involves cars, crashes, karate moves, or Sponge Bob. Cash has been a perfect playmate for Harper. I prefer for her to have an equal mix of boy and girl friends because I want her to be exposed to all sorts of play and fun (heaven only knows that she needs a break from the Disney Princesses once in a while).

Cash brings out a super wild and silly side of Harper (seriously, when Harper and Cash play, they basically rearrange my living room with their jumping and wrestling) and I love it. Harper and I are both pretty crazy about him and I am thankful that these two cousins get to spend so much time together. They spent last Saturday riding rides at the Utah State Fair (which was as interesting as ever... I can never decide whether I'm over or under dressed when I'm at the fair and seriously, I can't get enough of the people watching) and next week, they will be seeing Aladdin together at Tuacahn (confession: I have to look up the spelling of Tuacahn every single time I type or text it).

This kid loves to roar.

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