Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dirty Hair, Day 2

I'll admit, Day Two is a bit boring. My hair is still clean and fresh on Day Two and all I typically do is style it. I switch between curling iron curls and flat iron curls. This time around, I went for messy flat iron curls. The pic I'm offering you is terrible, I know. I'm sorry. We were hosting a BBQ that evening and I was busy cleaning, cooking, and making drinks. Then, I was too busy eating mangoes and drinking drinks to think about photos.

I get a lot of questions about these curls. They are very sloppily made with my flat iron and then brushed out (I'm considering a tutorial). Brushing/combing any curls/waves is a must for me because it gets rid of the over-styled, Shirley Templeish look. 

One thing I wanted to make clear is that I do shower everyday (hopefully you weren't thinking otherwise!). My hair can go days without a cleaning but my body can't. I have a shower cap but rarely use it. I normally just pull my hair up in a messy bun and hop in the shower. If it gets a little wet, I don't fuss because I know it will dry while I'm putting lotion on and getting dressed.


  1. Loving this series! I wash my hair every second day which is a huge pain because I have semi curly/frizzy hair and it takes too long to tame it!

  2. Please, oh please do a tutorial! I need all the help I can get with my hair!


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