Monday, June 25, 2012

Dirty Hair, Day 1

Day One: half-up with soft curls

I usually like to wash my hair on a day when I will be at home. That way I have time to air dry if I want. Also, my hair never styles as well when it's freshly washed. I prefer dirty hair when I'm getting ready for something special because it takes and holds curls/waves like a champ. 

I use Pureology Color Care shampoo and conditioner because they are honestly the best products I've ever tried. I've been pretty faithful to the line for about six years now. Whenever I stray from Pureology, I regret it. It doesn't matter what you use, though, as long as your buying sulfate-free products (more about that here). 

When you don't wash your hair very often, you learn to become a very thorough shampooer. I usually shampoo twice, really focusing on my roots. I rarely, if ever, actually put shampoo on my ends. They are dry from so much processing and don't need the extra stress that shampooing would put on them. I normally just let whatever runs down from my roots clean them.

It's the opposite with conditioning. I think that one of the most important factors in shampooing less is not over-conditioning your roots. When I'm applying conditioner, I focus on the bottom half of my hair because that's where the dryness is. My roots are healthy and therefore, not in need of conditioner. I do a deep condition all over about once month. Otherwise, conditioner never touches my roots.

Once I'm throroughly (it's very important to get all of the conditioner out of your hair or else you'll be greasy by day two) rinsed and out of the shower, I use Pureology Shinemax serum. I love it because it's moisturizing but totally non-greasy. Then, I let my hair air-dry until it's about 3/4 done and finally, if I'm feeling ambitious, I get out my blow dryer.
This serum is one of my favorite products ever.
It's well worth the money because it helps keep my hair healthy.
Also, a bottle lasts me nearly a year because I use so very little each time.

Here is a little blow-drying hint for you: the cold shot button on your dryer is your friend. It doesn't matter if your straightening, round brushing, or just upside down drying like I do, you need to hit your hair with a cold shot before turning your dryer off (when I do round brush- which is seldom- I cold shot every single section as I go). It will help cement whatever it is your doing in place. It also helps keep your hair healthy because it removes the heat from your hair. I blow dry upside down with heat and don't flip right side up again until I've completely cooled my hair with the cold shot.

Depending on the day, I might just be done once my hair is dry. If I have plans, I usually throw in a few curls or something. 

Here are a couple of things to remember that will help you keep your hair looking and feeling clean:

1. Don't touch your hair a lot, especially the roots. Your hands have oils that will make your hair greasy. Just style it and let it be. (The same goes for the skin on your face, by the way. The less you touch it, the healthier it will be.)

2. Sleep on a satin pillowcase (more about that here) in order to keep the right oils in your hair and the wrong ones out of it. Cotton pillowcases suck the good oils (don't ask me what they are because I don't know... Remember that I told you I'm no expert) out and cause your hair to become greasy faster. They also cause your hair to break (boo to that). Additionally, a satin pillowcase will help you preserve whatever curls/waves you've got going on. This, in turn, keeps your hair healthy because it minimizes the amount of heat you have to put on your hair.

3. Stock up on dry shampoo (more about that will come your way on Day Four- I use three different kinds and will be going over each one) and body sprays. I use body splashes from Bath and Body Works to freshen up my hair throughout the five or six days of non-washing. While I prefer my hair on the dirty side, I like to to smell and feel clean. I typically have three or four different sprays around and like to keep one in my purse, too. 

4. Processed/damaged hair stays "cleaner" longer than its counterpart, especially when it has some sort of bleaching agent on it. If you don't want to color your hair, that's okay. Just have your stylist apply a clear gloss, which will give you at least a little bit of processing. 

Someone asked me about working out. I do work out but not to the point of heavy sweating. I do a lot of walking, toning, and yoga. I don't, however, go for a lot of intense cardio (probably because I'm lazy). Even if I did, I would not wash my hair. Sweat dries pretty quickly and easily. I was at the pool all day yesterday, in fact, and my scalp was pretty sweaty. Once I got in the air conditioning, it dried right up and didn't bother me a bit. I'm currently on Day Four and going strong. I actually think I'll make it to Day Six again, even after a sweaty day in the sun. 

I think the key to dirty hair is getting used to dirty hair, which can take a little bit of time. For me, at least, that was the biggest hurdle. Before I made the commitment to washing less, I wouldn't- and in my mind, couldn't- go even one day without shampooing. You have to be comfortable with the way it feels (not dirty at all, by the way... when my hair does actually feel dirty to me, I wash it) to go days without washing, and you have to let go of the notion that everyday life makes your hair dirty. 

Likewise, you hair has to adjust to less washing. It took me about two months to be fully okay with the process. Your body is an amazing thing and it will adapt to new situations if given enough time. I was really fascinated to see that my hair and scalp changed in order to allow me to go several days without a shampoo.

I think that's good for Day One. Any questions? If so, leave them in the comments section. If not, I'll see you tomorrow when we talk about Dirty Hair, Day Two!


  1. I'm loving your dirty hair posts. It's refreshing to know I'm not the only one who goes days without actually washing their hair!

    1. I know, right? It's so liberating to wash less. I can't believe how much time/money/hair health I am able to save. I still need to contact you about the blog project I was thinking would be fun for us. I'll try to get to that today! We should start it in July. We could do a 30 days sort of thing- just pics and a quick blurb from each of us each day. What do you think?

  2. Thanks for answering my question. I do not wash every day but I have short hair with curl so when I sweat it changes the look of my hair and I m not a big fan of that. I guess I need to try to get used to it:)


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