Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dear Harper

Dearest Harper,

You have more energy than any person needs. Please give some of it to me so that I can keep up with you without feeling like a member of the walking dead by the end of each day.

You're a little wild these days. Two days ago, you pinched me when I made you come inside for the evening. It hurt a whole bunch and left a mark. Yesterday, you tried to bite me as I put you in the bath (which, considering that you were covered in dirt, was desperately needed) and today when I brought you inside for a nap, you scratched me as hard as you could (obviously, you needed that nap). You had a crazy look in your eyes when you did it, too, and I didn't quite know what to think. I still love you, though.

Everyday, we are faced with emotional challenges. You're young and I know that you're still learning how to deal with yours. You'll get there. Just remember to always think (like 10 times, minimum) before you speak/act/react. Never let your momentary anger/frustration/excitement make decisions for you and please, please please... never let them speak for you. Words are quickly said but not quickly forgiven or forgotten.

You are not always a little monster. Most of the time, you are sweet and happy and loving. Please don't ever stop hugging me and please, for the love of God, stop calling me "mom." I'm your mama (and will be forever, even when you are in college).

You are a dog lover. Please don't ever change that. Loving an animal (especially a dog) is a precious blessing that brings immeasurable happiness. I want you to have respect for all life and I want you to understand that every creature is miraculous and beautiful. I love the way you play with Hazelnut and Tucker and every time you point out a dog ("Look, mama. A cute doggy!") when we are driving or taking a walk, my heart melts.

Your new swing set came today (thanks to Grandma Paulette and Grandpa Jack) and you are so so so excited for your dad to come home and put it together (just look at your face in the photo below). I am, too, because I can't wait to see you playing on it. I just want you to remember that you will never be too old for swinging (FYI: your mom still swings at the park when no other parents are around to judge her). You will never be too old to play. It is important that you know this and remind yourself of it often. A lot of grown ups have forgotten and they think that life is all about work and money and acquiring big, fancy stuff. Really, though, it's not. Life is about happiness. Life is about joy. Do something fun everyday, even if it's little, okay?

Much love, my sweet. Much love.


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