Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moving In

I know that I promised you that I'd cease all of the "new house" talk. I intend to keep that promise- after this post, of course. This blog wouldn't be an accurate Adams family record without proper (proper = not instagram) moving-in photos.

Harper, Hazel, and Tucker were all patient little champs during the two weeks that we were painting, packing, cleaning, and moving. The new house was a big thing in each of their lives and I made sure to snap some photos of them enjoying it amid all of the grown-up/human chaos.

I hope that you will like them as much as I did today when I uploaded them. Seeing these three so happy makes all of the effort it took to buy and ready this new house worth it. I realized this morning that Colt and I didn't really do any of it for us. We did it for them.

Happy Weekend!
This was the first day at the new house.
Harper was really excited to be outside without me helicoptering all over her.
(Having a fenced backyard is THE BEST!)

She was a little bit excited about her new bed.

Watching us work was very tiring for little Hazelnut.

Truth be told, I think Harper liked the house better when it was empty.
There was just so much room for trickiness. 

And flying... 

And daddy-wrestling.

Headed out for one last night at the townhouse.
You'll notice that the important people (Scout and Ariel) were going, too.

Harper loves the dirt. 
As much as I dislike a dirty child, I can't make myself keep her out of it.
I think playing in the dirt is necessary for a healthy childhood. Absolutely necessary.

I'm sure these aren't the last dirty feet we will see around here.

Tucker arrived in the back of my father-in-law's truck.
He was so excited to be here.

Pizza is a must on moving day (and according to Colt, so is beer).

There was a lot of nap time improvisation. 

My mother-in-law brought Harper a bird feeder.
She loved it.
We put it up and she yelled, "Come one birdies! It's dinner time!"
And no birds came (probably because they were terrified of the screaming two-year-old).

Harper is a girly girl, it's true, but she's also quite adventurous.
Her little legs took a beating during these first few days.

These two are best friends and it's adorbs. Totally adorbs.

This is what a sleepy Grinch looks like.

 Harper loves our basement because it's cool and empty.
It's empty because it's getting a complete makeover this summer.
Don't worry, though. The panelling and the wood burning stove are staying.
The old lady that lives in my soul could never let them go.

Hazelnut Valentine is pretty much queen of our backyard.
Ironically, she like to be outside and Tucker like to be inside.
Silly dogs.


  1. Congratulations!!! Buying a house is SO much stress, then so much WORK! You're good to blog through it all. A fenced backyard was a must for us when we bought our house, too. Dogs and kids need to be outside without fear of them running away. Can't wait to see more pictures! Enjoy the space!

  2. Congrats on the new house! What an exciting thing! It is a wonderful thing to be able to let the kiddos and dogs run free in the backyard.


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