Friday, April 27, 2012

Garbage Day Randomness

A new house. A new garbage day. Harper squealed with joy as the garbage truck came by this morning. Then she went back to watching a movie in her new playroom. She's on another Little Mermaid kick. She hasn't really wanted to watch it for the past couple of months. I'm pretty sure she was sick of it- three viewings a day can do that to you, you know?

Anyway, I don't have much randomness for you today since we have been living/eating/breathing new house stuff for the past couple of weeks. The good news is that we finished everything yesterday (which means you don't have to hear about it anymore!). We are completely done moving (thank heavens for that because I was honestly too tired to do anything else) and can now enjoy the new house, which for Colty means eating pizza, drinking beer, and watching sports (I never imagined the day when I'd be aware of- and sort of care about- the NFL draft).

I need a weekend of rest and then I'll be back and I promise that I'll blog about something besides moving. 

Kenzie taught Harper all about long boarding earlier this week.
When Harper came home, she wanted to try it out for herself.
Since she doesn't own a long board, she had to improvise with a sun shade.

Tucker dug a nice, big hole the first day he was here.
Harper is helping him finish it.
In her words, "Parper finding treasure."

This is a sight that I never thought I'd see.
Since we arrived at the new house, Hazel and Tucker have done really well together.

Here's our house.
Isn't is adorable?

Oh and here is our garage.
Colt loves it.
He has some pretty big man cave plans, most of which include pizza, beer, and sports.

1 comment:

  1. Moving is exhausting! Congratulations on the new house, and enjoy your relaxing weekend. :)


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