Monday, April 30, 2012

Harper Moments, Part 4

Mama Jane:
(April 29, 2012)
Last night, I was getting Harper ready for bed when she noticed my wax seal initial necklace (which is one of my favorite little treasures, by the way). 

I explained that the "A" was for Abby and told her that my name is Abby. Harper looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "No. Your name Mommy. Mommy Jane. Mommy Jane Adams."

Apparently Harper thinks that we share a middle name.

I wish. 

(April 29, 2012)
Harper is starting to understand time. She really likes to talk about "tomorrow" and all of the fun/awesome things she's going to do. Last night, I tucked Harper in, read her several stories, and laid with her until she was nearly asleep. As I closed her door, Harper (in a super sleepy little voice) said, "Mama, Parper watch Ariel tomorrow, okay?" 

Neighborhood Horses:
(April 30, 2012)
Harps and I went on a little walk this evening and met some of the animals (dogs, ducks, horses) that live in our neighborhood. We saw some horses and one of them walked right up to the fence. Harper was so happy to meet him and made sure to show him her new tutu ("See horsey. See Parper's new tutu?") by doing a little twirl for him. She also begged for a ride (it's definitely time to head to Utah Valley for some riding with her Uncle/Grandpa Dave). 

P.S. Matching is totally overrated when you're a Harper girl. 

1 comment:

  1. Or if you really want to travel, Uncle Lon always has a horse saddled and will be pretty lonely with his girls moving away this week!


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