Friday, January 27, 2012

Pinterest, The Harper Edition

Yesterday, I cleared my old iPhone, loaded it with kid apps, videos, photos, and music, and gave it to Harper. She loves it and has been having so much fun playing games (Tozzle is her favorite... thanks to Danni for the recommendation!), drawing, and watching videos of herself (the little narcissist). 

I love it because it keeps her grubby little hands (believe it or not, my child often has grubby hands) off of my new phone and it's super educational for her. 

I never imagined that she'd have her own phone at 2-years-old but really don't think this one counts as it doesn't have service. It's more like an iTouch, which I also never thought my toddler would have, but whatev.

Speaking of my cute/smart/sweet/totally awesome child...
Here are some of my favorite Harper Jane pins:

Totally presh, isn't it?
(Confession: I can't read this without crying.)

This playroom is to die for.
 It's pretty and magical and organized and fun- everything a play space should be. 
I'm hoping to create something at least 1/100th as cool as this for Harper when we move.

I love everything about this.
It will be the perfect way to preserve all of Harper's priceless creations.
I already know that there will be many of them.
A child as awesome as Harper can't help but create masterpieces.

Cute and healthy... the perfect snack for my perfect child.

Harper's book collection is out of control right now.
I've been looking into ideas for book storage in our new house and I love this little display.
I'd like to place two or three together to create an entire wall of books.

Harps needs a teepee with a chandelier. The end.

Sushi sandwiches? Yes, please (for Harper and me). 

Forgive me for the cheesiness. 
I'm a mom. 
It's my job to be cheesy once in a while.

This is wonderful. 
I love things like this and the shelves above because they can be moved.
I like to mix things up for Harper by rearranging her room/play area on a regular basis.

This little learning station is adorbs.
Harper will have one like it in our new house, no battle.

These are even cuter and more awesome than the sushi sandwiches.

This little delight is our project this week.
Isn't it cute?
(I am not a crafter and never will be but I do like Harper projects.)

I don't pin clothing/shoes for Harper very often.
Lord knows I already spend enough time/money on Harper's wardrobe.
Besides, all she ever wants to wear is a pink tutu so really, what would be the point?

On that same note, Harper grew out of several more pairs of shoes this week.
I sadly said goodbye to her shiny pink ballet flats, her TOMS, and her pink Uggs.
Why is it still so hard for me to pack away her shoes?
You'd think I'd be used to it by now.

all images via pinterest

P.S. Read this. It's beautiful.

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