Wednesday, November 23, 2011

So Many Things

I have so many things to be thankful for (and really, don't we all?). I think that the abundance of blessings in my life is the reason that I feel like I have no choice but to be happy- to practice Diligent Joy. There are days, it's true, when it's harder to see the blessings and even harder to appreciate them but for the most part, I can't help but feel overwhelmed at the beauty in my life.

I'm thankful for everything from Colt's job to my Subaru to my bed (lately, my bed HAS been one of my greatest blessings). I understand that, when compared with many people in the world, I'm spoiled rotten. I know that I write a lot about beauty products and my fear of aging and all sorts of silly things. Please don't ever think that I believe these things to be of great importance. I like makeup and pretty purses and heaven knows that I'm a bit of a shopper but at the end of the day, I know what matters. I know that, when compared with the big things (the things I'm really, truly thankful for), nail polish and shampoo really are nothing but silliness.

I'm thankful for Colt and for his love and support. In some ways, he is the only normal relationship I've ever had. His confidence in me has made all the difference and I'll be forever grateful for that.

I'm thankful for Harper- for her laugh and her love. I'm thankful for the fact that she is happy and healthy (at a recent doctor's visit, she weighed in at a solid 32.8 pound and measured 37 inches). Everyday- every single day,  I'm thankful for the miracle that is her life.

I'm thankful for my job. I love what I do and I love being able to spend every day with Harper. I am a person that really was meant to be self employed. I appreciate the free-spiritedness of my days and I'm thankful that I get to spend them with sweet (well, most of the time at least) little ones instead of adult co-workers.

I'm thankful for Hazel. She is often the sweetest (and easiest) part of my day and I can't imagine going to sleep without her furry little body snuggled up against me. When I was pregnant, people would tell me that my feelings for Hazel would change when my baby was born. Those people were wrong. Hazel is the cutest little Grinch ever and I love every inch of her.

I'm thankful for Tucker. He is a great big ball of craziness and keeps us on our toes but we love him nonetheless. I love having him as a running partner (aka rapist repellent).

I'm thankful for Colt's family and for my parents and for the unwavering love and support they offer us. I'm also thankful for Colt's grandparents (one of his grandmas is battling breast cancer right now, bless her soul, and we- Harper and I- are praying for her every day). We are surrounded by a wonderful family and really, I don't know how we would live without it.

I'm thankful for Calli and Kenzie. Colt's sisters have become my sisters and I love them. They have showed me what it's like to have siblings and I talk to both of them almost daily. They really understand me and even though we are about as different as three girls could be, we have a good time together and I love that.

I'm thankful for good books and inspiring music. For as long as I can remember, books and music have been a part of my life and I can't imagine a day without them. Right now I'm reading Wuthering Heights (a favorite fall treat) and I'm playing/singing Christmas music (before Thanksgiving and that's okay).

I'm working on one more Thanksgiving post (products I'm thankful for) for you. It should be up later today.

In the meantime, let me wish you a most Happy Thanksgiving. Life is beautiful and there is much to be grateful for. If you're traveling, be safe. If you're staying home, be cozy. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. It's going to be a good day, I just know it.


  1. you have a gorgeous family. how old is harper? she is just adorable :) and i LOVE this thankful-list :)

  2. I LOVE your thankful definitely have much to be thankful for:)
    Love all the pics...stopping by from follow fest...nice to meet you:)

    A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  3. so pretty!! i'm stopping by from and would love for you to stop by and see the new giveaways and tutorials. xoxo nicole


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