Friday, November 11, 2011

Harper continues to love her gymnastics class. This week, she worked on balance. As you can see, holding an egg with a spoon while crossing the balance beam is serious business.

Anyway, I've been quiet the past couple of days. It's because I have a trapped nerve in my neck.

Before pregnancy, motherhood, and daycare ownership, I was honestly never sick. I never had colds, flu bugs, kidney stones, or trapped nerves and I totally didn't appreciate it.

Now I'm sick almost every week and let me tell you something: it's making me angry. I hate not being 100% for Colt, Harper, Hazel, and Tucker. I hate not being able to run or even practice yoga. I hate feeling yucky on a regular basis.

Yesterday morning, I woke up and gave my great-nephew (who sometimes comes over for an early-morning nap) Cash a kiss and did a little morning stretch before getting out of bed and getting ready for little ones to show up at my house. I obviously did something wrong during my little morning stretch because immediately my neck was in pain- pain like someone was stabbing me with a lightning bolt pain. It was awful and I felt like crying (which I did, several times throughout the day).

Thanks to ibuprofen, I'm feeling much better this morning. My neck is still stiff and tense but it's much more bearable and I feel well enough to move about and get stuff done and it's wonderful.

And at least I'm not in this situation...
The cone wasn't cutting it so now Tucker is sporting a pair of pink boxer shorts.
Poor guy.


  1. I hope you get to feeling better soon girl. Being sick is no fun! And LOL at the boxers. Is it sad that I didn't even notice them at first?? O_o

  2. So sorry about your neck...I know just how you feel. I have been dealing with that for about a year now. They finally diagnosed me with Occipital Neuralgia. I feel your pain! Glad you are feeling better


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