Saturday, September 17, 2011

U of U Fans Are Cuter than BYU Fans and I Have Proof

I'm not a college football fan but my sweet husband is, so I'm dedicating this post to him.

It's game day today (and a particularly big game day since the U is playing BYU, their biggest rival). Colt prefers to watch Ute games at home (as opposed to a sports bar which, according to Colt, is distracting) so I'm making white chili and planning for a cozy night in (cozy = Colt standing and yelling at the television). 

Harper and I have spent almost all day playing outside. The weather is perfect, especially if you're in the mood for running/rolling/hopping down big hills. 
This just proves that U fans are cuter than BYU fans.
(and they have better hair... I neither washed nor combed Harper's hair today, FYI)

 I did put a bow in it- a cute red bow that didn't make it through Harper's somersaults.

 I agree with Harper: If you're going to splash in a puddle, you might as well twirl in it, too.

Thanks to Grandma Carrie, Harper is ready for game day.
We don't know if she likes the Utes, but we do know that she loves Minnie Mouse.

Go Utes!


  1. ok, i wish i had that t-shirt too.

  2. My children will totally sport U of U gear! Love this post! Thanks for sharing! :)


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