Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Soup, A Person, and Halloween Photos for You

Weather in SLC has taken a turn this week and cooler temperatures have arrived (will they stay? I'm not sure... and I really hope not because I'm still very much in summer mode) causing us to crave soup & sandwich dinners.

A while back, I told you that I wanted a person. If you watch Grey's Anatomy, you know what I mean by this. If you don't watch Grey's Anatomy, you probably think it's weird for me to want a person.

When I say I want a person, I mean I want a kindred spirit/love you more than life/I need to tell you everything kind of friend.

I had one of these friends once. Her name was Tarah and she has been a special part of my life since I was 12. Sunday was Tarah's birthday. She would have been 30 this year. I missed her all day long and thought about how much has happened in the past nine years that I've had to live without her.

Of all the people that have come and gone in my life, I miss Tarah the most and that's probably because she was my person. 

The change in weather has made me feel a bit melancholy. Tarah's birthday, the anniversary of 9/11, my car getting crunched again, and some unexpected work changes have made for a somber week.

I feel reflective. I feel like it's time to reevaluate and make some positive changes. I feel the need to finally let another person (or two or three) into my life and my heart. I'm trying to connect with people and to plan more activities with those that are special to me (including Colty). 

I may have found a new person and I was even cheesy enough to tell her so last night. Luckily, she watches Grey's Anatomy so she didn't think I was a crazy girl when I said, "I think you could be my person."

On a cheerier note, the blog makeover is coming along well, no thanks to me of course. I was going to try and do it myself and I'm so glad that I didn't because Katie has done a most fabulous job.

On an even cheerier note, there is so much to look forward to right now, including a new adventure with Whitney and some other friends, a little getaway with Colt, Harper's birthday, and Halloween.

Speaking of Halloween... If you live in the area and want some photos of your kids (or your dogs or just yourself) in their Halloween costumes, leave a comment on this post ASAP. Whitney is going to do a day of pumpkin patch mini photo sessions. They will be similar to the Easter mini-session that Harper had last spring (except they will be outside and there won't be a bunny because honestly, I think that poor bunny is still recovering from the Easter photos). 

Anyway, I don't have all of the details (location, exact pricing) quite yet but for under $40, you'll get several edited (and amazing) images from Rush Photography. There might even be a little discount for Diligent Joy readers (wink... wink). Don't forget to leave a comment because the mini-sesh slots will fill up quickly and because I'll most likely be there too and I'd much rather hang out with you guys than with anyone else. :)

Oh and I'm going to start running again tonight. I'm thinking of doing a 10k in November. Wish me luck, friends, because I'm going to need it. 


  1. ohhh, I may be interested in a mini photo session for Lyla! Can't wait for the the details

  2. Cindy- I'll post them as soon as I get them! It would be great to meet you!

  3. Depending on when and how much, I would probably love a mini session!


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