Monday, September 12, 2011

Nobody Told Harper It Wasn't a Nude Beach

Harper and I joined Whitney for some photo sessions this past Saturday. We spent almost six hours watching her work her magic (I wasn't just watching- I was making an idiot of myself. Getting a baby to look at you, smile, and not move all at the same time is hard work, my friends.). One of the locations she used was The Great Salt Lake. Harper had never been there before and you can't even imagine how excited she was.

While Whitney was doing this...

Harper was doing this...

As soon as Harper saw the lake, she started undressing. Her skirt, shirt, and shoes were off within minutes and eventually (and despite protests from me) even her diaper came off, and that was when I was really happy that we were with Whitney and her camera (because naked baby bum photos really are the cutest thing ever, even if you can't share them with bloggy friends...).

Ironically, Harper didn't actually get in the lake until her clothes were back on. 


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