Thursday, September 15, 2011

Announcements and Whatnot

I took Harper to the store for a treat.
She chose a bagel and an orange.
I'm telling you, Harper is so much more than a cute girl.
She's a healthy girl.

The winner of the Favorites contest is Lizbeth. Congrats lady! I have your e-mail address and will be in touch this afternoon.

Also, here is the info for Rush Photography's Halloween Mini-Sessions:
  • They will be on Saturday, October 1, 2011 (and may overflow to the 2nd, depending on demand).
  • Each session will take about 20 minutes.
  • The location is TBD- we are trying to find the perfect spot as we speak! You might want to display these photos in your house and chances are you don't want them to be overly Halloweeny (not a word, I know).
  • They are $50 but Diligent Joy readers will get them for $35! (See, I told you it would be worth your while to stick around this little bloggyspace.)
  • You'll get 5 edited images on a disc as well as a copyright notice so that you can have them printed from anywhere you'd like. 

If you have more questions or if you just want to be awesome and book your mini-shesh, e-mail Whitney at or contact her on facebook here. I'd really love to see you there. I'm going to be playing photographer's assistant for the day and I'm so excited!

Also, I know you're probably wondering what happened to the Harper's Halloween Costume Contest. The answer is... nothing. I loved all of the suggestions but we just haven't decided yet. We have to find something that Harper will actually wear which right now, isn't much. At this point, Harper will wear either a dress or a skirt/t-shirt. Pants and hats are absolutely out of the question. We are working on it and I promise that if I take any of the suggestions, I'll pay up on the prize. (I'm actually leaning towards one of them right now... I just have to see if it will work!)

Like I've said before, it's going to be hard to beat this...
 I've even thought of having Harper wear her witch costume again. I just have a really hard time spending money on Halloween costumes. Seriously, how annoying is it that whenever I find one I like, it costs more than a real outfit?


  1. My thought for Harper was this:

    But I completely understand not wanting to buy another costume. I'm all for the "if it fits, use it!" mantra

  2. I hope to make the photo session, what a great deal! Do they have to wear costumes for it, or can I have her in regular clothes? also, I have been meaning to ask what your policy is on winning or entering more than one contest? Since I already won something, can I enter more giveaways? :) love the new layout by the way!

  3. Wish I lived in the area so I could get it!!! :)

  4. The nice thing about having a girl and buying Halloween costumes, is that they make wonderful dress up clothes after Halloween is over. I feel like I get my money's worth. :) Have you thought about Harper being Ariel for Halloween? Just a thought.....

  5. Ugh. I wrote this super long comment with Miss Marvel on my lap and she turned off the computer JUST before I hit "post." I'll try to recreate it the best I can.

    Have you checked DI for costumes? October 1 will be a great day. We went last year to get costumes for my boys and came away with like 6. For $20. (Including the most adorable tutu that actually fit Lil Miss at the time.)

    And thanks for the tip on Bloglovin'. I'm working on transferring URLs and hope it have it usable soon.

    Also, LOVE the new look around here! Gorgeous pic. You continually inspire me to grow out my hair. And now I'm thinking of returning to my strawberry-blonde IS fall/winter, after all.....

  6. she is seriously SUCH a doll. i think it's that curly hair that really gets me.

  7. I would say that it's impossible to out-cute Harper's costume from last year, but this is HARPER we're talking about, and I know that whatever she is, she will be an adorable one. I hate spending money on costumes, too -- I couldn't believe that scarecrow costume was $70! That's why every girl needs to make friends with a talented person who can sew. :)

  8. Hi Abby! I was considering the Halloween photo shoot until I realized I'll be out of town that weekend. Bummer! We're doing the Tuacahn Little Mermaid/Grease shows that week. Good luck to Whitney. I did it one year and it was a blast!!! I have a bunch of Halloween props if she needs any. Have her contact me – I won’t be using them and she’s welcome to borrow any of it.
    I agree with the costume issue. I like to buy them on ebay and then sell them the following year. I’ve also heard that kid-to-kid has costumes. I have a snow white dress and shoes that Kels wore to Disneyland last year if you would like the borrow them.
    That was a long comment. Sorry. :)

  9. If she doesn't like clothes then have her be "lady kadiva" (spelling I know I am the worst). Just a thought lol


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