Friday, September 30, 2011

October Reading

October is one of my favorite months for reading. This is probably because I read Wuthering Heights almost every fall. I know that it's a tragic/romantic sort of story but I also think it's a little on the dark side, making it the perfect Halloweentime kind of novel. I have several other re-reads lined up for the month, as well as some new stuff (Stephen King, anyone?). I'm going to revisit Wicked for what I'm thinking is the fourth time. I'm also planning on reading Emma because a couple of years ago when I read through the Austen collection, someone was borrowing my copy and I missed it (and truly, I haven't felt complete since... at least not where Jane Austen is concerned... It's sort of "my thing" to read all six books at once).

Right now I'm reading Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (by Rasom Riggs) and I'm loving it. It's a little bit creepy and a little bit mysterious- the perfect type of story for this time of year. Have you read it? What did you think? What are you reading right now? (By the way, NONE of these questions are rhetorical.)

Happy Weekend, my friends!
Make it an exciting one.


  1. Hi Abby!
    First of all, I just wanted to say that I love your new layout! It totally suits your blog, and the picture of you is beautiful!
    I have a stack of books to devour this month as well... I just finished the Secret Keeper's Daughter and now I'm moving to - Little Bee, The Glass Castle, The Hangman's Daughter (probably the most Halloween appropriate!), How To Be An American Housewife, and The Book Thief (Which I picked up after your recommendation!) I think Wuthering Heights is probably my favorite classic piece of literature, but I am also a big fan of Jane Eyre... I just can't ever make it back to re-reading them because there are so many other books I need to read first! Oh well, maybe when I'm old and retired I'll have more time to go back to the favorites! :)
    Anyway, happy reading!

  2. I really want to read Emma too!! I started it but then got busy and didn't get very far. Now that I see that you want to read it motivates me to finish it so we can discuss it :)


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