Thursday, July 28, 2011

Welcome New Faces... Let's Talk About Pickles and Boobs

There might be a few new visitors around here today. Welcome! Be sure to leave me a comment to say how you found Diligent Joy, what you think of it, and whether or not you plan to come back.

To get to know Diligent Joy a bit better, check out the About Us section that is on the right side bar. You can also read some of my favorite posts by clicking on the "Abby's Favorite Posts" category. Awesome? I thought so.

Today is the last Thursday that I get to be 27. Next Thursday, I'll turn 28! Can you believe it? I'm not really freaking out. I'm ready for it (I've had an entire year to prepare, after all). I think that, much like cheese and vintage furniture, I might just get better with age.

Plus, I made a decision about getting boobs. Guys, I'm going to do it. I'm not going to go all Coco on you or anything. I'm just going to go for a little more size and a lot more perk. I'm super excited. Now I just need to start researching doctors. If you are in the SLC/Provo/Orem area and have a suggestion (or the opposite... I must know of any and all horror stories so that I can avoid those "doctors" like the plague), e-mail me:

Side note about me getting a boob job: whenever I want to buy something, Colt is just sort of so so and totally not excited (purses, clothes, pianos... he really could care less). When I bring up the idea of buying bigger/nicer boobs, he's really enthusiastic (and even uses !!! when he texts me about it). Are we surprised? Not at all.

On yet another side note, we need a better term for buying bigger/better/perkier boobs. I don't like "breast enhancement" (too serious and it sounds like something my mother would say) or "boob job" (too trashy/real housewifey). Suggestions?

As you may know, Thursday is my Friday. Awesome.

Harper and I have been celebrating our Friday with lots of snuggles and kisses. Harper has eaten exactly 2 Eggo Waffles and 3 Dill pickles today, so her kisses are pretty delightful right now. You know you love someone when their maple syrup/pickle juice kisses don't make you want to gag.


  1. I wanna get mine done in a few years. I'll be patient though, ha. Anyway one of my really good friends got hers done about a year ago-she has two kids and time for an upgrade. They look great and she loved her doctor. I'll ask her what his name is and let you know. I'm thinking it was somewhere around Draper...

  2. Hi Abby!
    I actually just got my "enhancements" taken out last month... No horror stories, I was just sick of them and they were way too big for me... Anyway, my doctor was AWESOME and I would highly recommend him! His name is Scott Haupt, he is at Utah Cosmetic Surgery in Murray... He is very soft-spoken and takes time to explain everything very well... And all of his staff are super nice as well! Good luck in the venture! If you have any questions, let me know! I love a good boobie discussion! :)

  3. Ha ha ha - love this. You're right - enhancements is just too serious and boob job is, meh... there's got to be something better. I'll keep thinking. Got a good chuckle out of this post - loving your blog!

  4. PS- YES, I'm a fellow SLC blogger! You know what we should do? We should organize a SLC blogger get together! I know a couple others who live up here (Sam from Young People in Love) who I would love to meet. Thoughts?

  5. I say you ought to say your "girls are getting a makeover."

    Found you on Young People in Love!

  6. hahahaha. yes that is true love! such a fun post, you are too funny!

    -Heather from

  7. Your little girl is for the other stuff. I haven't had kids or breastfed yet so I can't relate.

    I'm adopted too, I would love to help with your project, but didn't see how to email you :)

  8. Could you call it a boob upgrade? Dr. Louis Morales did my brother's (he was born w/ a cleft lip and palate) reconstructive surgery for years when we lived in UT. He now does breast enhancements, etc and has good reviews. Sorry, no personal experience. Here's his website:


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