Thursday, April 28, 2011


I found myself reading an article about hair this morning: "The Top 5 Hairstyles for Prom 2011." Um, well, I'm not going to prom. I already went to prom... 10 years ago (old, yes, I'm old. I know this. I spent an hour laying in bed this morning and thinking about nothing but Botox...).

Anyway, braided hair is one of the styles they talk about. I'm so obsessed with braids lately and wish my hair would grow just a little more so I could wear it in a classic french braid. I had really long hair when I was little and my mom french braided it everyday to keep it from getting tangled. I hated it. It took forever and I just wanted to have free-flowing hair like Belle or Barbie.

But now that I'm older and no longer feel the need to look like an imaginary character, I like braids.
I like them a lot.
They are so pretty and feminine.

What do you think of braids?

Are you interested in becoming healthier? Aren't we all. Read this really informative article on sugar.


  1. I love braids too!! I really wish I was talented enough to braid my own hair.

  2. I love braids, but I always feel like when I wear my hair in a braid I just look frumpy. I need to figure out how to make them more glamorous or something.


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