Friday, March 25, 2011

The Stink Eye and a Dance Party

Everyone in our house has a different schedule. Colt wakes up really early (3:50 in the morning is really, really early) and is usually ready for bed by 9:00 or so. 

Harper, being a growing toddler, also has a pretty early bedtime. I tuck her (and about 5 stuffed animals) in at 8:30 every night. 

Then there is me. My mom taught me to be a night owl. I like books, movies, and chocolate best after 10:00 p.m. I love this quiet time when my baby and my hubby man are sleeping peacefully and I can have the television all to myself. I like to watch television shows on DVD. I recently went through all 6.5 seasons of Grey's Anatomy (gluttony, anyone?) and am now working on season 3 of Dexter. If I'm not watching television, I'm reading or blogging and no matter whatever else I'm up to, I'm eating chocolate. It's wonderful- the chocolate and the personal time. I live for my nighttime time. 

Hazel always joins me. She snoozes on the couch while I do all sorts of Abby stuff. She always waits for me to go to bed. Yes, she loves me. The other night she looked so cute that I had to snap a picture of her. The flash woke her up and she was so annoyed. She gave me the Hazelnut stink eye...

And now for a video... 
A couple of things before you watch this... disclaimers, if you will...
1. This is not our typical dance party. For one, I'm not dancing. Usually our parties are a mix solo dancing and Harper and I dancing together. Also, we aren't in my room for this one, which means Harp isn't on the bed. When she is on my bed, she gets super silly. I'm hoping to get that silliness on camera sometime soon. Harper also knew she was being filmed so she got distracted a couple of times. 
2. Tucker's house is big. It's ugly. The day it goes won't come soon enough.
3. You may remember that Tucker tried to eat our bedroom door frame. We are working on putting it back together.
4. The random thing that Harper eats off the floor is actually a jelly bean. She was holding it before the dancing started. She dropped it as soon as she heard the music. We vacuum the entire house at least once a day, I promise. 
5. If this doesn't inspire you to host spontaneous dance parties at your house, I don't know what will.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE my personal time at night too! I am always snacking on something, usually chocolate. I love Gray's too and need to catch up!

    My computer is giving me fits and won't let me watch the dance party, dang!


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