Sunday, March 27, 2011

Random Abbyness Day 25

10 things I want to do before I die...

1. Travel extensively (I'm mainly interested in revisiting Europe and exploring the US. I always wanted to live in Europe for a summer but my hubby man will not be into it and I'm not spending a summer away from him and his sexy curls, so regular travel it will be.)
2. Become a certified yoga instructor
3. Be a foster parent (I've got to get Colt on board with this one. If I can't, I'll find some other way to volunteer with Utah Foster Care.)
4. Get paid to write something (Many people have encouraged me to write a book and there is one that has been stewing in my mind for a while now, but who knows...)
5. Teach piano until I'm so old I can't remember my student's names from week to week.
6. Find peace (This one is loaded... Basically I need to find answers, balance, and faith in order to attain peace. Faith is hard for me. I'm full of questions. I like little parts of most religious practices but haven't found a way to reconcile all that I believe into anything more than chaotic thought.)
7. Run a marathon (or at least a half... this will be the hardest thing I ever do.)
8. Have a productive garden and learn to bottle different foods (This is part of a larger goal to become more self-sustaining.)
9. Make good friends and keep them for life
10. Become a 100% loving and positive being (I was doing well with this but have struggled recently. I'm working on it. This requires a daily- almost momentarily- effort and awareness.)


  1. You popped into my head the other day and I thought to myself, "Abby should write a book. I love the way she writes in her blog." I love this idea. Oh, and Bryn will be one of your piano students!

  2. I'm all about gardening and canning, but not in a mo-mo bottle your own butter for the apocalypse sort of way. If you have questions, or want to come learn how to do it, there is always something in season to can.


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