Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random Abbyness Day 22

Talk about the cuteness of my pet...

Oh my... I'm crazy for this photo. These two outdo the Lady and the Tramp ANY DAY!

I really don't see that there is much to talk about.
Hazelnut Valentine is the cutest little shih tzu Grinch baby ever.


  1. She has a better wardrobe than me, and I think she gets out more. I'm a little jealous ;) I usually feel uncomfortable around small dogs, but she looks very kind and fun.

  2. I'm not really a small dog person either but there is something that I just love about shih tzus (maybe it's the Pat Pritchard in, not really). They aren't yappy and don't have the prima donna complex like some small breeds.

    Hazel is just happy to be alive and if you come over, she will prance around for you in an attempt to be so cute that you will be unable to resist playing with her.

  3. I've been anxiously waiting for this post! She seriously is the cutest. I love the licorice pic and the Colt/Hazel pictures. So sweet!


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