Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Random Abbyness Day 21

How I got my scars...

I'm a pretty clumsy girl and I've got quite a few small scars. They are insignificant and unmemorable. I've got three pretty big ones, however, and coincidentally, each reminds me of someone I love.

#1. I have a scar on my lower back. It is the only injury I got from a car accident in my early teens. My dad wasn't so lucky. He didn't walk away with a simple cut. He broke his neck and severed all of the tendons in his right hand. It is a miracle that he survived the accident. Whenever I feel the scar on my back, I think of my dad and I'm grateful that he did survive. I love him and can't even begin to imagine the last 14 years without him.

#2. I have two super ugly scars on my shins (one on each leg). One day I was out with Hazel and Colt. Hazel took off after a bird and her retractable leash grazed my legs, causing deep cuts on each. Ouch. Those babies hurt like crazy. They actually wound up giving me an infection called cellulitis, which manifested itself in a huge lump on my knee. Antibiotics cleared the lump right up. The cuts healed and left some really yucky scars. Thanks to Mederma, they look are looking a little better all the time (even though I still put makeup on them whenever I go bare-legged). These scars will always remind me of my spunky little Hazelnut.

#3. Harper was delivered via emergency C-Section, which means I had a pretty big incision that left a pretty rough looking scar. I'm applying Mederma to it daily and it's getting smaller and paler, but I don't think it will ever blend very well and I'm truthfully okay with that. This scar is the physical proof of a miracle. It will forever remind me of Harper- of the miracle that is her life.

Because Harper is such a miracle to me, I like to do nice things for her. Today I made her M&M cookies (with Easter colored M&Ms, no less).

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