Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When You're a Big Girl You Know What's What

Believe me, it's true. I know it because I am a big girl (have been for years now).
Apparently so is Harper (as of Saturday, at least).
Without any prompting from me (I'd basically given up my efforts), Harper did away with bottles and moved on to bigger girl things.
She is now a sippy-cup-using big girl. Wahoo!

Along with this newfound big girlishness, Harper has gained some important knowledge.
She realizes now that some foods are just better when served cold.
Pizza, for example, is so much yummier after a night in the fridge.
It's a fact. Don't argue.
This morning, Harper enjoyed a cold pizza snack.
Yes, she ate it whilst sitting in her toy bin. She's not all grown up just yet.

Another plus of cold pizza is that is a much less messy toddler snack than warm pizza.
(AND it tastes better... but we already covered that.)


  1. Uh the picture in the toy bin looks exactly like you! Except I don't think you'd be eating cold pizza in a toy bin anytime soon.. She looks exactly like you though!

  2. Harper looks exactly like you in the picture with the toy bin n cold pizza. Even though I don't expect you to be eating cold pizza in a toy bin anytime soon!


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