Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It Was Perfect for Us and That's All That Matters

Some people were a little appalled by the idea of Colt and I tying the knot at the courthouse. Some people were rude and others even acted a little offended. I heard things like, "A marriage that starts at the courthouse ends there, too." Well, my rude/offended/tactless friends, many marriages that start in chapels, gardens, and beautiful halls end at the courthouse as well.

As it turns out, a courthouse wedding was perfect for Colt and me. It was easy and rather quick (not like we are the quickie type of couple, but we do have a 15 month old with a 5 minute attention span) and we were lucky to have the people that matter most there as witnesses to our happy moment. Yes, I did feel a little silly roaming the courthouse in my wedding dress, but I'm pretty sure I'm the type of girl that can handle a little bit of silly feeling. I also felt beautiful, happy, and excited (and I even took my favorite Hobo clutch along as a good luck token). No worries, my dears. Harper had her good luck token that day as well. His name was Scout.

Anyhow, here are some of the photos that Whit has finished so far. I'm in love with them and I've reached the conclusion that they will be my favorite. I've no doubt that the shots from the open house will be amazing as well, but these photos will help us remember our actual marriage ceremony- the day that we joined lives and began our journey together as husband and wife.

Harper is a little scared of elevators.

Big ring. Little ring.
Colt and I are always on opposite ends of the size spectrum.

Colt actually admitted to me that he almost cried.
For him, "almost crying" is akin to me bawling my eyes out.

Favorite. Favorite. Favorite.

Wedding shoes!

I told you that those who mattered most were there.
The only people missing were my grandparents.
They were present, however... in my memory.
Scout must have been a little camera shy when we took this photo.
He was hiding in Grandma Paulette's purse.

 Reenacting our first kiss.

 Mr. & Mrs.

"and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)"
-e.e. cummings-


  1. are classy and gorgeous as always!

  2. People that would say mean spirited things are obviously not your friends. I took some heat at my wedding too, and as of today I'd like to announce I'm 117 Months pregnant :) I don't even know Colt, but I could tell you guys have something good going on when I saw you together at your Open House. I think the conventional way of doing things was thrown out the window in the early 70's, so as long as your shoes were good, I wouldn't worry about it.

  3. Love these pictures! The one of you and Colt holding hands looking at each other is my fav. It's just so sweet! :) Let those negative nellies blah blah all they want to; you have a beautiful family!

  4. I say to hell with what other people say about it. All that matters is that you and Colt became husband and wife on your own terms! You both look fantastic! Congrats!

  5. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you both. I am so glad that your day was perfect too!

  6. I straight up laughed out loud about the "...ending at the court house" comment. That's so rediculous and funny! Congratulations, you guys look beautiful and happy!

  7. People are ridiculous. Love the pictures!

  8. I'm glad that it was perfect for you, in the end that is all that matters! I love all of your wedding pics by the way, they are gorgeous!

  9. I'm so happy for you guys! Who cares what people say! It was your special day and you did it how you wanted to! You looked gorgeous! I am loving the pictures! Congrats!!

  10. nice blog!

    feel free to visit mine =)



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