Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Harper Ate the Last Cupcake... and She Liked It

Earlier today, I let Harper eat the last wedding cupcake. It's safe to say that she loved it (or at least that she loved the frosting). She is in her pajamas in the photos. I realize this and want everyone to know that Harper did not eat a cupcake for breakfast. We had a nice healthy breakfast of cereal, bananas, and milk this morning. The cupcake came later, somewhere between breakfast and bath time. I also realize that we were technically supposed to save this cupcake and eat it on our one year anniversary. We obviously don't follow tradition very well (i.e. baby before wedding) and truthfully, 365 day old cake just sounds gross. Besides, Harper enjoyed it much more than we ever could.

1 comment:

  1. Our wedding cake was absolutely delicious; we were shocked at just how yummy it was. I wish I had eaten the top that week instead of sticking it in the freezer for a year until it was gross. :( Good call on giving Harper the last cupcake.


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