Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Barnes & Bratty

If you read my last post, you'll remember that I expressed worry about Harper turning into a mega brat by age three. Good news (I hope you caught my sarcasm), my friends. I no longer need to worry. Harper won't be a brat at three because she turned into one at only 14 months. To be more specific, Harper has become the kind of child that hits and yells at her mom in public. She does it at home, too, but it isn't nearly as mortifying when nobody is watching.

I took Miss Harper to Barnes & Noble tonight. I was hoping to use one of my Christmas gift cards (thank you, thank you, dear family/friends for knowing me so well). I planned on buying couple of books for myself and some prizes for Harper. I have a really long list of books that I want to buy and I chose a couple of them before we left, thinking that I was in for a quick and easy trip to the bookstore.

Wow, was I ever wrong. Was it quick? Yes. Was it easy? No. Did I leave the store humiliated because my child was so naughty (aka hitting me and telling me "No" the entire time because I wouldn't let her down to get lost in the store) that people were staring at her (and most likely judging my poor parenting skills)? Yes. Oh, yes. Did I get what I wanted? No. Did I still buy Harper a prize? Yes. Do I have anyone but myself to blame for her brattiness? Obviously not.

I was so angry during the drive home. Actually, I'm still a little angry... but not angry enough to miss out on how cute Harper looks right now, watching Barney and snuggling with her friends. It's so hard to be mad at someone that is so cute. It's actually almost impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know, this is the story of my life...isn't it wonderful?


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