Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Floppy Dog Contest

Our lives are so busy, especially lately. Time has been flying by. Last night as I put Harper to bed, it hit me that she is almost 14 months. It hit me like a ton of bricks. She is never going to stop growing and changing. Every time I get used to a certain age or stage of development, she moves on or gets a little older. This motherhood business is sneaky like that.

 I just can't believe that I have a little girl. Most of her baby qualities are gone (well besides the fact that she wears diapers and drinks from bottles). They left me with a beautiful, sometimes feisty, independent girl. I think she got her independence from me. Just ask my parents or Colt. I don't like help with ANYTHING. Yesterday, I tried to read to her. She pulled the book from my hand and proceeded to read aloud to herself. What?!? That wasn't supposed to happen for at least 3 years.

Oh, and she puts herself to bed. She is just too grown up to wait for her mother to tuck her in. That kind of stuff must be for babies. When Harper is tired, she goes to her room and stands in front of her bed. I don't know if I should be proud of her or ashamed of myself for not noticing how sleepy she was.

Harper has even taken a pet of her own. It's a floppy dog toy. You might remember it from our plane ride or from Harper's post Thanksgiving sleep. Anyway, he goes everywhere with Harper. He gets far more Harper snuggles/kisses than I do (not fair, if you ask me) and he sleeps by Harper every night. She takes him for "walks" using Hazel's leash. Basically Harper drags him around and says, "Walk, walk, walk..." She even "shares" her snacks with him. He has already had surgery (I had to stitch his leg up, thanks to Tucker, of course) and countless baths. He has become sort of the 6th member of our family.

Here are some pics of Harper with her puppy. They are from my phone, so accept my apologies for the poor quality.

In our house, we eat whipped cream on bananas. 

So here is the contest:
Harper's floppydog needs a name.
I'm letting you choose it.
Leave me a comment with your name suggestion.
The winner will receive a most fabulous prize!
We will choose the name on December 10.

(By the way, Harper's floppy dog is a boy)

Good luck and xoxo.


  1. How cute! Rylee had a little elephant that she loved as a baby. For some reason we started calling it Mojo and the name stuck forever! Even now she still calls him that!

  2. otis, milo, alfie, apollo, brody,Delainey.

    That is such a cute puppy she has where did you find it at? I can't believe she is almost 14 months time sure does fly she gets more and more beautiful each time you put up new pictures.

  3. It should be something memorable and easy to say. I like Wiley or Scout.

  4. Harper and Rupert is cute together too! Same with Wiley as Penny suggested!

  5. Jasper, Oliver, Luke, Huckleberry, Bruno, Buddy, Gus

  6. Man that is hard to name her special dog, I would go with Sheshy, Manger, Bow, Letty, Lou, Sammy, Even the simpler the better then she can say it when she gets a little older.

  7. How CUTE!!!!!! I would call him Brownie! Harpers cuddly little Brownie :-)

  8. my daughter loves to call our dog rocky and she sounds so cute when she does. so i like rocky or mabey hank the dog.


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