Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sleepy Mom... Playful Baby

It's been a long day today. I'm exhausted (that may be because I stayed up all night finishing- and crying over- the last few chapters of The Deathly Hallows). Thank goodness Colt just saved my life by bringing me a bag full of Sugar Free Rock Stars. Today has been a gross menagerie of bloody noses, poopy tubs, poopy sheets, baby throw up, and spilled plants (thanks a lot, Tucker). It's been mess after mess after mess and I'm pretty much done. If Colt decides to throw up on something this evening, I'm going to make him clean it up because I'm finished with bodily fluids for the day.

At least Harper has had a wonderful day and was even nice enough to share some of it with me (I can't get enough of her hugs and kisses). Harper has really started "playing" lately. She is loving all of her birthday toys and is still obsessed with her animals. She "feeds" them and makes "mmmmm" sounds. It's pretty darn cute. She also says "quack" and "moo." She has even attempted "cockadoodledoo." I don't really know what further proof of her amazingness you need.

I've been snapping playtime shots here and there since her birthday.
Here are a few for you to enjoy.
I'm proud to say that she is dressed in almost half of them.

We gave Harper this doll house for her birthday.
It is so great and makes a bunch of different noises.
Even the toilet makes a flushing sound.
 Cousin Whitney gave Harper this dog. 
Her name is Violet and Harper loves her.
 Harper kept pulling clothing out of this drawer.
I figured it wasn't worth the fight.
I took the clothes out and replaced them with Harper items.
 Harper LOVES empty cosmetic cases.
 Harper got a shopping cart for her birthday.
Thanks, Danni! We love you.
It's a good thing we don't have to pay for this item... She is priceless.
 Harper likes to play with her new keyboard, too.
If there is something to stand on, Harper stands on it.
That's just how it goes in our house these days.
 How cute is this?
I'm obsessed with those little hands.
 Stools and chairs aren't the only things she stands on.

These photos make me miss my childhood toys.
I liked Barbies, dolls, books, and dress-ups.
What were your favorite toys?


  1. I loved barbies, and dare I admit that I remember being a teenager,locking myself in my room and dressing them up because I missed playing with them so much! That has been the amazing thing for me about being an aunt! I get to play house & barbies with my nieces, and nobody can say a word about me being too old :)

  2. I never did get into Barbies, but I LOVED my "critters" which is what my mom called my collection of dolls and stuffed animals (mostly teddy bears.) I also love love loved playing dress up.

  3. Your blog is so cute and your daughter is a doll.


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