Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day!

We had a great day yesterday! I hope that Colt enjoyed his first Father's Day. We gave him a grill and a cooler full of goodies (shirts, treats, shaving stuff, grilling supplies). We had breakfast with his family at Porcupine and if you know Colt, you understand how happy that must have made him. He LOVES Porcupine. Later on, we enjoyed a backyard dinner at his Grandma Adams' house and had fun visiting with that side of Colt's family. It was a beautiful day and I'm so glad that we could spend it together. Harper, Hazel and I are so lucky to have Colt in our lives. We love him!


Here we are at dinner. Harper and I look really warm, I know. We aren't sweating. We are just covered in sunscreen!
Playing on Grandma's Swing! What a happy girl she is!
To say that Harper loves ice cream is an understatement. She REALLY loves it!

1 comment:

  1. She seriously is so beautiful! I hope Colt had a good first Fathers Day:)


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