Monday, June 21, 2010

And You Thought You Were Busy....

Since Harper started crawling, she has been a busy girl! I can barely keep up with her. I have lost count of how many times I have raced her to the book shelf or the kitchen drawers. We have baby-proofed as much as possible but she still finds trouble wherever she goes. She is especially fond of Hazel's dog food. I've lost count of how many pieces I've pulled out of her mouth. Heaven only knows how many she has actually eaten! Whenever she gets into a little trouble it is absolutely too cute to not photograph....

First time knocking the candy dish over... and first taste of a chocolate kiss!
In the kitchen drawer...
Taking a (very close) t.v. break... (note the ottoman blocking the DVD player. She can't seem to bang on it enough...also note the basket of untouched toys. Harper is just too busy for them these days.)
Thank goodness for her baby gate!
It took her two weeks to figure out where the chocolate kisses went. Don't worry, she can (and has) reach them.
Even busy Harper girls need a nap sometimes...


  1. Wow! She is a busy girl. I am ok with Luke not crawling yet! :) He still gets into trouble just by rolling everywhere.

  2. She is so gorgeous, Abby. It looks like you guys are having way too much fun!


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