Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ahhh... The Library

It should come as no surprise to you that I love the library. I have loved it since I was a three year old girl who couldn't yet pronounce the L sound when asking her dad for a trip to the "yibrary." I love standing in an aisle, surrounded by books, and dreaming of how wonderful it would be if I could do nothing but read all day. I love the way library books smell and I love imagining who else has checked out the book I'm reading. Did they read it by a fire on a cold winter's day? Or perhaps they took it on vacation to a beach far from here and enjoyed it under the sun? Or maybe they were forced to read it by some poorly dressed professor with stinky breath? I mean, you never know...
Well today, I went to the library to grab some CDs that I had on hold for Colt. I wasn't planning on getting any books as I'd already planned my summer reading list. I'd intended to read the translated works of Hugo, followed by a re-read of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Pretty brave for a new mom, right? I can barely grab 20-30 minutes of reading time at the end of the day. During the day, my free time comes in 10 minute intervals. This is not really conducive to a reading of several masterpieces within a summer's time.
Good thing I decided to at least "window shop" the aisles of the Holladay Library this afternoon (and mind you, the library is the ONLY place where I window shop) because that is where I had a literary epiphany that I have been most excited about ever since. I don't want to spend all summer without a book in my hand but at the same time, I cringe at the thought of reading Les Miserables in 3-4 page spurts. The answer? POETRY. How perfect will it be to study poetry this summer? I can catch a poem here and there and not have to worry because 10-15 minutes is all I will need. I've liked poetry since middle school but have kept it on my reading back burner because I've always got a non-fiction/fiction reading list that is a mile long. The fact that Robert Frost, ee Cummings, Maya Angelou, Sylvia Plath, etc. will provide some beautiful verses for reading aloud to Harper is just icing on this most delicious cake. She and I can spend our summer with some of the most beautiful and eloquent souls that have ever lived. It's going to be amazing, I just know it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Abby! Found your blog on your facebook. My blog is & Visit anytime!


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